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cum am invatat sa-mi placa social democratia!

NU EXISTA PIATA IN SENSUL NEOLIBERALILOR. Puterea politica trebuie sa tempereze tendintele anti-sociale ale capitalismului, a caror manifestare nenorocita este si atunci cand e euforie, si cand e criza.

Iata ce recenzeaza Paul Krugman:

Jamie Dimon Was Right

About the 19th century, that is.

Dimon was castigated by many people, me included, for saying that a financial crisis is “the type of thing that happens every five, ten, seven, years.” Hey, no big deal.

But that is the way banking worked once upon a time. I’m reading Gary Gorton’s Slapped by the Invisible Hand, which tells us that there were bank panics — systemic crises — in 1873, 1884, 1890, 1893, 1896, 1907, and 1914.

On the other hand, there were no systemic crises from 1934 to 2007.

The problem, as Gorton makes clear, is that the Quiet Period reflected a combination of deposit insurance and strong regulation — undermined by the rise of shadow banking. So we have a choice: restore effective regulation or go back to the bad old days.

Cand capitalismul nu-i temperat, starea sa normala e aceea de criza.

We're seeing the horrors of unregulated capitalism

Capitalism is the economic system of choice for the United States. There is no mention of capitalism in the Constitution. In fact capitalism is abusive and undemocratic. Capitalism is an economic system that is failing and will collapse.

World oil prices are a prime example of the failure of capitalism. One of the primary principles of capitalism is the law of supply and demand. The system fails when corporations and countries manipulate the supply of a resource like oil. The system also fails when corporations that produce consumer products from oil manipulate the supply of those products to drive up prices. Certainly the oil companies are intentionally keeping the supply of refined products tight.

Government is the force that is able to regulate the abuses of capitalism. Unregulated capitalism is the worst, most abusive economic system the world has ever seen. Since 1980 we have seen capitalism deregulated. Republicans favor unregulated capitalism, which has included huge tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations. We are now paying the price at the pump for their misguided, misconceived and self-serving policies.

Judson R. Duncan

Please listen to audio by Noam Chomsky: Is Capitalism Making Life Better?


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