Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci”. Atentate, vizite şi simboluri criptice
de Ion Maldarescu
Poate că folosind titlul filmului din 1975 - „Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci” -adaptare după romanul cu același nume al lui Ken Kesey - voi trezi controverse, dar cum nimic nu-i întâmplător, voi dovedi că similitudinile nebuniei lasă urme în timp.. Preşedintele României se deplasează, „pas cu pas”, într-o individualitate nemaiîntâlnită pînă acum; contacte internaţionale directe, vizite... Ce-i rău în asta?, veţi spune. Nimic. Necazul este că le cam face de unul singur, nu „în echipă”, şi de aici, dilema: reprezintă el România? Sau se reprezintă pe sine? Reprezintă pe altcineva? Toate bune şi frumoase... doar la suprafaţă! Să nu uităm însă că după „Charlie Habdo-iala” franceză, unde domnia sa (chemat sau nu la ordin?) a „mărşăluit” în „oraşul-lumină” alături de o ceată de şefi de state - selectaţi cu atenţie - împotriva islamismului terorist, la întoarcerea în ţară a declarat:
„ - a fost şi un marş al solidarităţii internaţionale, al voinţei de a luptă împotriva terorismului;
- a fost un semn al hotărârii noastre (a cui? - n.n.) de a lupta împotriva extremismului de orice fel;
- nu au participat doar europeni, doar creştini, ci şi musulmani, evrei, atei, agnostici;
- am discutat cu doamna cancelar Merkel (nici nu se putea altfel - s.n.), cu domnul Junker, cu domnul Tusk, cu premierul Olandei, cu premierul Israleului şi mulţi alţii (atenţie - s.n.);
- doresc sa folosesc acest prilej să îi mulţumesc preşedintelui Franţei pentru invitaţie şi pentru călduroasa primire;
- mă bucur că am putut să îi fiu alături în aceste momente grele”.
„Măi, ce ploaie şi ce vânt!”...
Tam-tamul vizitei Preşedintelui României a fost asigurat de cătrepurtătoarea sa cu vorba, Tatiana Niculescu-Bran, dar nu pe site-ul oficial al Preşedinţiei României, ci pe contul dumneaei de Facebook. Poate că site-u oficial a fost înlocuit între timp şi noi, muritorii de rând nu am fost anunţaţi, dar asta include ca noua aplicaţie să poarte denumirea Siteul Oficial al Preşedintelui-Facebook. Tare seamănă această madam Bran cu personajul feminin din revoluţia lui Caragiale, dar ce să facem, ăşia-s sfetnicii preşedintelui.
Revin asupra acelor „mulţi alţii” din discursul preşedintelui Iohanis, prezentat mai sus. Mi se pare sau convocarea pripită a „echipei” era stabilită dinainte de producerea momentului „11 septembrie parizian” şi făcea parte din planul operaţional „Kalaşnikov-Charlie Hebdo”? Poate ne va răspunde Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Preşedintele Turciei, care are o părere diferită de cea a participanţilor la înghesuiala elitistă pariziană. De altfel, la protestul de simpatie cu caricaturiştii nu prea duşi nici la catedrală, nici la moscheie nu subscriufără rezerve nici Vaticanul, nici Suveranul Pontif: „Oamenii nu au doar libertăţi şi drepturi, au şi obligaţia de a spune ce gândesc, pentru binele comun. Utilizarea libertăţii de exprimare este legitimă, dar fără a ofensa. Pentru că, dacă un prieten spune lucruri rele despre mama mea, îi pot da un pumn, este normal. Nu poţi provoca, nu poţi insulta credinţa altora, nu o poţi lua în derâdere!”.[1]
„Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci”.
În siajul acestui „11 septembrie parizian” se pierd unele elemente esenţiale. Citez cuvintele atribuite lui I.V.Stalin, adresate de către acesta lui Churchill, în timpul
„Ce-o fi scris şi pentru noi/ bucuroşi le-om duce toate/ De-o fi pace sau război!”
În acest context nebulos, preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a efectuato vizită la Bruxelles, unde s-a întâlnit cu preşedintele Consiliului European, Donald Tusk, cu preşedintele Comisiei Europene, Jean-Claude Juncker şi cu cu Secretarul General al N.A.T.O., Jens Stoltenberg[3].Chiar înainte de plecarea la Bruxelles, Klaus Iohanis a declarat că una dintre priorităţile mandatului său va fi„aprofundarea integrării europene a ţării noastre” şi că în cadrul întâlnirilor sale cu instituţiile europene şi euro-atlantice va transmite acestora „importanţa pe care o acordă ţara noastră profilului european, ca stat membru U.E. şi N.A.T.O.”.Este domnul Iohannis apt să riposteze unor astfel de provocări? N-avem de cât să răspundem: „Ce-o fi scris şi pentru noi/ bucuroşi le-om duce toate/ De-o fi pace sau război!”
Simboluri criptice, predicţii cumplite şi imagini ciudate
Pentru că în violentul conglomerat al începutului de an 2015 multe elemente „se leagă”, revista „The Economist” a publicat ediţia numită „Lumea în 2015”, coperta ei abundând în simboluri criptice, predicţii cumplite şi imagini ciudate: un nor în formă de ciupercă, Rezerva Federală într-un joc numit „Panica” și multe altele. Revista „The Economist” este direct conectată cu elita mondială şi aparţine parțial familiei Rothschild din Anglia. Redactorul şef al publicaţiei, John Micklethwait, a participat la multe conferințe ultra-secrete „Bilderberg” - întâlniri unde cele mai puternici politicieni, afacerişti şi importanţi formatori ai mass-media decid politicile globale, erijându-se într-un Guven Mondial ales de şi dintre membrii „Grupului”. Ţinând seama de cele menţionate nu este greu de înţeles că cei de la „The Economist” cunosc elemente de care majoritatea oamenilor nu au ştiinţă, iar coperta lor cu „predicţii 2015” este un fel de criptogramă. Ceea ce este mai rău, este că prevestirile sunt chiar mai rele decat le-a tălmăcit autorul mesajului. Simbolistica compoziţiei şi transmiterea ei prin „The Economist” trebuie să îngrijoreze. România a fost luată serios în seamă de această revistă, de două ori până acum. Odată, cam cu an înainte de evenimentele din decembrie 1989 când a „prevestit” sfârşitul violent a regimului şi conducătorului Ceauşescu, iar a doua oară, „prevestind” lovitura de stat parţial reuşită din septembrie 1991. Dar vă las pe dumneavoastră să apreciaţi şi să trageţi singuri concluziile:
O analiza „Vigilant Citizen”[4].
Sumbra şi sinistra copertă prezintă figuri politice, personaje fictive și eroi din cultura pop, care vor aduce cu siguranță noutăţi în 2015. Cu toate acestea, cel mai important lucru este că include, de asemenea, mai multe desene, care sunt extrem de simbolice și fac aluzie la elemente importante ale agendei „Elitei”. La prima vedere, observăm figuri politice, cum ar fi Obama și Putin, referire la cupa de Rugby și noul film Spider-Man. Dar o privire mai atentă relevă o serie de elemente perturbatoare. Iată câteva dintre ele:
Globul cu două feţe. O faţă a globului priveşte cu stoicism spre vest, în timp ce cealaltă faţă pare iritată. Reprezintă aceasta o confruntare între Est și Vest? Coperta conţine alte câteva simboluri referitoare la „ridicarea Estului”. Ce e mult mai neliniștitor este că, imediat sub acest glob furios, este pictat un nor în formă de ciupercă (de tipul celor care se formează după explozia unei bombe nucleare) și un satelit spion care se lansează în spaţiu. Supraveghere de înaltă tehnologie și război nuclear. „The Economist” nu este foarte optimist.
Culoarea feţelor. Priviţi mai atent la fețele personalităților prezentate pe copertă. Unele dintre ele sunt colorate din plin în timp ce altele sunt în alb și negru. De ce asta?Printre cele în alb şi negru sunt: Putin, Merkel, Obama, Hilary Clinton și David Cameron. Printre cei coloraţi sunt David Blaine, un tânăr care ține un banner pe care scrie „Singapore” (Singapore este gazda jocurilor Asiei de Sud-Est din 2015) și un tip oarecare ce poartă un echipament din realitatea virtuală. O compilație rapidă a acestor date arată că cele alb-negre par a fi parte a Elitei (inclusiv tipul din ISIS care, probabil, lucrează pentru ei) și cei de culoare sunt „outsideri”. Este modul în care Elita percepe lumea?
Flautul fermecat. Prezența Flautului Fermecat în această temă a coperţii din 2015 este de-a dreptul tulburătoare. Flautul Fermecat din Hamelin este o legendă germană despre un om care a folosit fluierul său magic pentru a duce departe copiii din orașul Hamelin, copii ce nu au mai fost văzuţi niciodată.
Pied Piper conduce copiii din Hamelin. Ilustrația de Robert Browning, „The Pied Piper of Hamelin”. Acest personaj popular datând din Evul Mediu se spune că reprezintă fie moartea în masă, de ciumă sau în urma unei catastrofe, sau o mișcare de imigrație masivă. De asemenea, reprezintă perfect pe tinerii de astăzi care sunt „ademeniţi” și păcăliţi de „vocea” mass-mediei. În mod destul de convenabil, există un băiețel exact sub flautul lui Piper.
Copilul neştiutor. Chiar sub Pied Piper vedem un băiat cu o privire uluită pe faţă. El se uită la un joc numit „Panic”. Cuvintele „Federal Reserve” și „Chi” (care, probabil, vin de la China), sunt în partea de sus, în timp ce cuvintele „lumina verde!” Și „sis!” (Care, probabil, vin de la „Isis!” sau „Criză!”) sunt în partea de jos. Băiețelul priveşte la acest sucit joc de Plinko în același mod în care masele neştiutoare privesc neputincioase în timp ce diverse evenimente se desfășoară pe mass-media. Ca şi numele jocului, scopul final este de a provoca panică în întreaga lume la fel cum crizele sunt generate aleator de cei care controlează jocul. Și asta pe o coperta a revistei deținute de Rothschild.
Stropirea culturilor. In fata lui Putin este un avion mic pe care este scris Crop-O-Dust. Aceasta se referă la conceptul de stropire a culturilor, care este „procesul de pulverizare a culturilor cu insecticide sub formă de pudră sau fungicide dintr-un avion.” Chiar sub elicopter este un copil… mănâncă ceva. Neliniștitor.Stând chiar sub avionul care stropeşte, acest copil mănâncă dintr-un pachet de tăiţei foarte procesaţi. Ingerează el otrava care a fost împrăştiată de către avion?
China. Un urs panda ce poartă un slip cu steagul Chinei în timp ce-şi încordează mușchii este un mod destul de clar de ilustrare a faptului că China devine mai puternică. Lângă el este un luptător de sumo care ține o baterie mare pe care polaritățile (+ și -) sunt indicate în mod clar. Se face aluzie la o schimbare de polaritate a puterii mondiale de la vest la est?
Fantoma. Ivindu-se din spatele piciorului lui Obama este o fantomă citind o revistă intitulată „Vacanţa”. De ce această fantomă, care reprezintă o persoană moartă, planifică o vacanţă? Reprezintă faptul că masele vor fi atât de sărace încât singura dată când îşi vor permite o vacanţă va fi după moarte? Sau se referă la nenumărați oameni care au murit în timp ce călătoreau în ultimele luni? Înfricoşător.
Broasca ţestoasă. Stând în fața tuturor, privind direct în sufletele noastre, este o broască ţestoasă cu linii trasate în jurul carapacei sale. Ce reprezintă? Vor reveni ţestoasele spectaculos în 2015? Probabil că nu.O broască ţestoasă furioasă este simbolul Societății Fabian, o organizație extrem de puternică, care lucrează de peste un secol pentru formarea unui singur guvern mondial.Motto-ul Societății Fabian este „Când lovesc, lovesc tare”.Filosofia din spatele socialismului Fabian este, în principiu, planul a ceea ce numim astăzi Noua Ordine Mondială (New World Order - N.W.O.).Societatea Fabian este un grup foarte vechi, originar din Anglia, din 1884, având scopul de a forma un singur stat socialist, la nivel mondial. Ei şi-au luat numele de la generalul roman Fabius, care a folosit strategii atent planificate pentru a-şi obosi dușmanii într-o perioadă lungă de timp pentru a obține victoria. „Socialismul Fabian” folosește o schimbare crescătoare pe o perioadă lungă de timp pentru a transforma încet un stat, spre deosebire de folosirea revoluţiilor violente ca mod de schimbare. Acesta este, în esență un socialism furat. Emblema lor inițială a fost un scut cu un lup în blană de oaie, ţinând un steag cu literele F.S. Astăzi, simbolul internațional al Societății Fabian este o broască ţestoasă, cu motto-ul: „Când lovesc, lovesc tare!”.
Logo-ul original al societății Fabian. Să aducă mai departe un sistem global prin mici modificări crescătoare este exact ceea ce elita mondială face în prezent. Acesta este, probabil, motivul pentru care avem o broască ţestoasă supărată pe coperta acestei publicații legate de Bilderberg care stă în faţa haosului ce se desfăşoară în spatele ei.
11.3 ŞI 11.5 Partea din dreapta, jos, a coperţii arată unele simboluri mai criptice. Există o grămadă de pământ pe jos și două săgeți pe care e scris 11.5 și 11.3. Sunt aceste date demne de memorat? De ce sunt alături de o grămadă de pământ? Dacă consideri aceste cifre ca fiind coordonate în spaţiu, ele indică un loc undeva în Nigeria. Să afişeze numere care pot fi cu adevărat înțelese doar de „cei care știu” este unul dintre hobby-urile preferate ale Elitei oculte. Stând în fața grămezii, este Alice din Țara Minunilor privind în sus către pisica de Cheshire. Această pisică emblematică este cunoscută pentru capacitatea pe care o avea de a dispărea cu totul, lăsând vizibil doar rânjetul ei înfiorător. Prin urmare, vedem o altă aluzie la o lume a fanteziei, iluziei și înșelăciunii așa cum este percepută de către Alice - o reprezentantă a maselor. Împreună cu includerea oarecum inutilă a lui David Blaine - un magician - coperta amestecă evenimentele lumii reale cu iluziile.
Alte simboluri notabile de pe această copertă includun purcel puşculiţă zburând din buzunarele lui James Cameron; Un model care poartă o creație a lui Alexander McQueen (designerul favorit al Elitei, care a murit în circumstanțe ciudate), precum și un ofițer din Asia care poartă o mască pe faţă pentru a fi protejat de o boală mortală.
2015 pare grozav, nu-i aşa?
Concluzie: „The Economist” nu este un ziar oarecare care publică previziuni ciudate pentru 2015 pentru a vinde câteva exemplare în plus. Ziarul este conectat direct la cei care modelează politicile globale și care se asigură că acestea sunt aplicate. Publicația este parțial deținută de familia Rothschild din Anglia și editorul ei participă regulat la reuniunile Bilderberg. Cu alte cuvinte, „The Economist” este conectat la cei care au mijloacele și puterea de a face din „previziuni”, o realitate.
Coperta tematică 2015 reflectă practic agenda globală a Elitei și este presărată cu simboluri criptice care par să fie incluse special pentru „cei care știu”. Și masele, cum ar fi Alice care se uită cum pisica de Cheshire dispare, se vor concentra asupra iluziilor, în timp ce lupul în blană de oaie va lovi… și va lovi tare.
Surorile tăbliţelor de la Tărtăria, descoperite la Vadul Rău
În învălmăşagul evenimentelor acestui ianuarie sângeros, titlul incitant al articolului semnat de Daniel Roxin şi publicat pe site-ul „Naşul TV” a trecut aproape neobservat: „Surorile tăbliţelor de la Tărtăria, descoperite la Vadul Rău, mai vechi cu 1.000 de ani decât cele sumeriene. Autorităţile ştiinţifice se fac că plouă şi de această dată!”[6]. Să sperăm că a doua parte a titlului va fi dezminţită de cercetătorii români cărora le este încă dragă România şi că vor acorda atenţia cuvenită noii descoperiri atât de importantă pentru România.
Grafica - Ion Măldărescu
[2]http://www.gandul.info/international/in-saptamana-atentatului-de-la-paris-gruparea-boko-haram-a-masacrat-2000-de-oameni-in-nigeria-de-ce-presa-favorizeaza-anumite-tragedii-13761805 şi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RkLtz9w8cg
[3] http://www.mediafax.ro/politic/iohannis-in-prima-vizita-externa-la-bruxelles-o-prioritate-a-mandatului-meu-va-fi-aprofundarea-integrarii-europene-13766021
[4] The Economist 2015 Cover is Filled With Cryptic Symbols and Dire Predictions http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/economist-2015-cover-filled-cryptic-symbols-dire-predictions/
[5] The Weather Eye
The magazine The Economist published an issue named “The World in 2015″. On the cover are odd images : A mushroom cloud, the Federal Reserve in a game called “Panic” and much more.
I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire article analyzing the cover of a publication, but this isn’t any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the world elite. It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the Bilderberg Conference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies. The outcome of those meetings is totally secret. It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t. For this reason, its “2015 prediction” cover is rather puzzling.
The bleak and sinister cover features political figures, fictional characters and pop culture icons that will surely make the news in 2015. However, most importantly, it also includes several drawings that are extremely symbolic and allude to important elements of the elite’s Agenda. Here’s the cover :
At first glance, we see political figures like Obama and Putin, references to the Rugby cup and the new Spider-Man movie. But a closer look reveals a plethora of disturbing elements. Here are some of them.
Two-Faced Globe
One side of the globe gazes stoically towards the West while the other side appears irate. Does this represent a confrontation between the East and the West? The cover features a few other symbols referring to the “rise of the East”. What’s more unsettling is that, immediately under that angry globe, are pictured a mushroom cloud (the kind that happens after a nuclear bomb goes off) and a spy satellite launching into space.
The Color of the Faces
Take a closer look at the faces of the personalities featured on the cover. Some of them are in full color while others are in black and white. Why is that?
Among those in black in white are Putin, Merkel, Obama, Hilary Clinton and David Cameron. Among those in color are David Blaine, a young person holding a “Singapore” banner (Singapore is the host of the 2015 SEA games) and a random guy wearing virtual reality equipment. A quick compilation of this data reveals that those in black and white appear to be part of the elite (including the ISIS guy who probably works for them) and those in color are “outsiders”. Is this how the elite perceives the world?
Pied Piper
The presence of the Pied Piper on this 2015-themed cover is downright unsettling. The Pied Piper of Hamelin is a German legend about a man who used his magical flute to lure away the children of the city of Hamelin, never to be seen again.
The Pied Piper leads the children out of Hamelin. Illustration from Robert Browning’s “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
This folkloric figure dating from the Middle-Ages is said to represent either massive death by plague or catastrophe, or a movement of massive immigration. It also perfectly represents today’s youth being “lured” and mystified by the “music” of mass media. Conveniently enough, there’s a small boy right under the Piper’s flute.
Clueless Boy
Right under the Pied Piper we see a young boy with dumbfounded look on his face. He is watching a game called “Panic”. The words “Federal Reserve” and “Chi” (which probably stands for China) are on top while the words “Green light!” and “sis!” (which probably stands for “Isis!” or “Crisis!”) are at the bottom. The little boy watches as this twisted game of Plinko unfolds the same way the clueless masses watch powerlessly while various events unfold on mass media. As the name of the game states, the ultimate goal is to cause Panic around the world as crises are almost randomly generated by those who control the game. And that’s on a magazine cover owned by the Rothschilds.
In front of Putin is a small aircraft on which is written Crop-O-Dust. This refers to the concept of crop dusting which is “the process of spraying crops with powdered insecticides orfungicides from an aircraft.” Right under the helicopter is a kid … eating something. Unsettling.
Sitting right under the crop-o-dust, this kid is eating a heavily processed package of noodles. Is he ingesting the poison that was spread by the aircraft?
A panda bear wearing a China-flag Speedo while flexing its muscles is a rather clear way of portraying the fact that China is gaining power. Next to it is a sumo wrestler holding a big battery on which the polarities (+ and -) are clearly indicated. Are they alluding to a switch in polarity in world power from the West to the East?
Emerging from behind Obama’s leg is a ghost reading a magazine entitled “Holiday”. Why is this ghost, which represents a dead person, planning a vacation? Does it represent the fact that the masses will be so impoverished that the only time they’ll be on a holiday is when they’re dead? Does it relate to the countless people who died while traveling in the past months? Creepy.
Standing in front of everything else, gazing right into our souls is a turtle with emphasis lines around its shell. What does it represent? Will turtles make a huge comeback in 2015? Probably not.
An angry tortoise is the symbol of the Fabian Society, an extremely powerful organization that has been working for over a century towards to formation of a single world government.
The philosophy behind Fabian socialism is basically the blueprint of what we call today the New World Order.
The Fabian Society is a very old group originating in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory. “Fabian Socialism” uses incremental change over a long period of time to slowly transform a state as opposed to using violent revolution for change. It is essentially socialism by stealth. Their original emblem was a shield with a wolf in sheep’s clothing holding a flag with the letters F.S. Today the international symbol of the Fabian Society is a turtle, with the motto below: “When I strike, I strike hard.”
– The Fabian Society, The Weather Eye
The Fabian Society used to openly advocate a scientifically planned society and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. Its original logo was a wolf in sheep’s clothing … But I guess that was not the best way to conceal the wolf from the masses.
Bringing forth a global system through small incremental changes is exactly what the world elite is currently doing. This is probably why there’s an angry tortoise on the cover of this Bilderberg-connected publication – standing in front of the chaos behind it.
11.3 and 11.5
The lower right side of the cover features some more cryptic symbols. There’s a pile of dirt on the ground and two arrows on which are inscribed 11.5 and 11.3. Are those dates to remember? Why are they next to a pile of dirt? If you look up these figures as coordinates, they point to somewhere in Nigeria. Displaying numbers that can only be truly understood by “those in the know” is one of the occult elite’s favorite hobbies.
Standing in front of the dirt is Alice in Wonderland looking upwards towards the Cheshire Cat.
This iconic cat is known for disappearing entirely, leaving only visible its creepy grin. We therefore see another allusion to a world of fantasy, illusion and deceit as perceived by Alice – a representative of the masses. Along with the somewhat unnecessary inclusion of David Blaine – a magician – the cover mixes real world events with illusions.
Other notable symbols on this cover include a piggy bank flying from James Cameron’s pockets; A model wearing an Alexander McQueen creation (the elite’s favorite designer who died in strange circumstances) and an Asian officer wearing a facemask to protect him from a deadly disease.
2015 seems great, doesn’t it?
In Conclusion
The Economist is not a random newspaper that publishes quirky 2015 predictions to sell a few additional copies. It is directly connected to those who shape global policies and who make sure that they are applied. The publication is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor regularly attends Bilderberg meetings. In other words, The Economist is connected to those who have the means and the power to make “predictions” a reality.
The 2015-themed cover basically reflects the overall Agenda of the elite and is peppered with cryptic symbols that appear to be included for “those in the know”. And the masses, like Alice watching the Cheshire Cat disappear, will focus on illusions while the wolf in sheep’s clothing will strike … and strike hard.
It's all a war on the mind. They can imprison us in the Physical, 3rd reality dimension, however they cannot imprison our minds. This cover is filled with lots of gloom and doom, fear based energies but remember true power comes from within. They can try as much as they want to stuff fear down our throats, but they will not imprison our minds and souls. We are breaking through the matrix and transcending through their sick game.
Still a Girl·
Right. It's scary though because it's working on so many people. Like during the ebola outbreak, how so many people here in the U.S. wanted to just let people die in those African countries based on the fear that if we sent people to help, they would come back and infect all of us. Well we didn't all die, and ebola isn't even in the news anymore, though I'm guessing a lot of help is still needed across the ocean. I think that's the ultimate goal of the elite and any dark forces they're working with--to scare each of us into isolation so we can no longer develop our minds and souls by trusting God and taking care of each other. Technology is obviously accomplishing this goal as well.
You do know that you sound like a puppet who watched The Matrix too many times. Oh and BTW that movie was made to introduce Gnosticism(the religion of the elite) to the public. The Wachowski brothers openly admitted the movie was made to subliminally introduce gnostic themes to the public. You are doing exactly as you've been programmed. If this is confusing, I will break it down. When you say that I can be god from inside, you deny the real God and His free gift of salvation. Satan loves Gnosticism, he revels in people being so prideful in their ignorance. He is literally leading sheep off a cliff and all of them are smiling on their merry way to their death.
Do you not read the articles here? VC has been pretty thorough in exposing the gnostic themes in the media and elsewhere.
Luke 17:20-21, John 10:34, Romans 2:29. Gospel of Thomas 3 - Understand that there were various gnostic sects. As I understand, the teachings of the Kaballa, Jesus the disciples/apostles and the early Christian church fathers is one where we manifest God within us by following the Laws of God. The current doctrine of the Christian church is a creation of the corrupt and carnal church leaders and roman authority in the 4th century. Christ didn't accuse the religious leaders of his day of not believing he was God. He accused them of misleading the people by not applying the Key of Knowledge(luke 11:52), History is repeating itself. We are repeatedly exhorted to imitate Christ, to use him as an example. Christ himself asked the people why they call him lord and do not the things that he says? He didn't ask them why they didn't believe. Paul told the followers he baptized at Corinth that they were still too carnal to understand the mysteries of God. These were men who already believed in Christ. Believing is the initial step needed to undergo the transformation of self. Everyone of us is connected to God. We either strengthen or weaken that connection by our actions, thoughts and words. A couple of sites I found useful: beingoflight, and reluctant-messenger
Anon, ignorance is definitely the biggest problem. Do some home work please instead of listening to other ignorant hypothesis and echoing them like a puppet on a string. Gnosticism is not the religion of the elites at all, it maybe used by them so to gain a high degree of understanding of Psychological dynamics and use this Wisdom to manipulate the herd. If you do not live in fear and listen to stupid interpretations given by ignorant people you would understand that through the Gnostic process everyone can gain a high knowledge of the inner and out world we find ourselves part and therefore be able to create his own reality and not live in someone else creation. Next you'll try and say consciousness does not exist and is only a by product of our accidental existence........lol
Peace through Understanding.
You dare challenge the true word of God!
114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."
Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
There is your gospel of Thomas. A Misogynistic work that was performed by misled Jews. Go now to the cliff, I shake the dust off of my feet.
Do you really believe that we are created subservient? One part of the Bible that is true is "you will be deceived. Creation is not a game with us being the pieces. Gnosticism is about learning, not about being enslaved to false Gods. God is not just the creator, it is the creation itself. We are part of that creation and God is within us. Don't be fooled by what you read and have faith in what you can believe.
Anon, The true meaning of Gnostic is inner knowledge. Jesus was a Gnostic in the true sense of the word. He was also was a member of the Essenes, who were Gnostics. Remember, anything that is an "ism" is a corruption. A true Gnostic is one who has a Divine Essence within and lives accordingly to the Light. It's something you either have or don't. It is NOT an externally adopted Dogma or Religion.
the wachowski brothers stole the matrix from a black woman's manuscript so how can they admit the meaning of someone else's work?
Nice post, I just wanted to add something though. The Wachowski brothers are now called just the Wachowskis because one of the brothers, Larry, has transitioned to a female named Lana. I only bring that up because bringing LGBT issues to the mainstream audience is also mentioned on this site quite a bit.
I didn't know that. Thank you brother. These people see only themselves. I dare even one of them to show me how they've become resurrected.
So you are an optimist.Illusion or not, reality hurts.
Freedom Fighter·
Your comments are very true because reality is based on our thoughts which are the "creator". The only true power at this time that the elite have is mind control. Force has been determined not to be effective and actually makes people more aware of who the controllers of the world are. Fear is the absence of love and courage so therefore if they can create enough fear, then there will be hate as well since it is fed by fear.
denise johnson
Well i hope you get your head out of the sand. Martial law, pestilence disease epidemics, greed, war, immorality , concentration camps, nuclear war.....now those are a reality in 2015. It's coming and Rome will be hit and will burn, prophecy. But the U.S will still stand strong until the end. We have brought the curses on ourselves as= a result of sin.
It's just a piece of artwork,, don't make it into something else.
And thats exactly what the "sheeple" are supposed to think! Open your eyes and wake up
This article was so informative and mind opening. It seems like the world is continuing in its blissful ignorance while the elite controls what happens. We need to get educated!
Thank you for this piece of research. Cheers
Hmmmmm. Don't know...Funny how certain people and magazines, come up with these elaborate analysis. As if on cue to coincide with the publication of icons and images. Apparently with a hidden meaning that, fortunately we have an 'influential' and well connected editorial team to enlighten us and explain the meaning behind thee icons. How fortunate we are. The "analysis" really is the next stage in the plan.....That is how you create the world that they want you to create. They teach you and train you with stories like this...and guess what? That is the new direction as planned.
face in the crowd·
I could not agree more. The only thing the late-breaking speculative spin of the Economist creates is a wasted space next to a potentially powerful expanse of space the rest of us inhabit. Read their prescription, there assertions. So? You should already know it has absolutely no control over your purpose. You should already know how to live your life full of substance and courage and good-will to any neighbor, any species, any planet. The pain and rape and fear and hatred they spew across Earth is temporary, always. I have come to pity even my own projection of my own death. Because I know better than to project death. The world works in ironic ways that they have no control over. Truth.
It has become funny. To watch Corporations react to our numbers in fear and re-state the realities that they now know they have no control over. Drop a bomb. They won't. The Earth has assets, including the minds of us all.
Don't give a dime to the Economist and don't fear the message our projections of wasted space. That anomaly exists so your space of substance can. They fear you.
"Drop a bomb They won't "
Ever heard of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They are evil. They can and already have done it.
They have fully functional cities and underground bunkers miles underneath the surface. They don't care they will do it if and when it works to their advantage. Although I agree with some of your comments, with that one I cannot.
Such powerful words, face in the crowd, brains spark because of you Xx
They got the guns, but, we got the numbers...
I think the "god force" or return of Christ (-consciousness "only"?) that's going to wipe them out is... well, it is for me recently in the past six months or so - is a kind of telepathy generated by selflessness that will allow us to perceive or see a true negative intent, be it a collective of inbred crooks working media, weapons and finance or just one shady individual. I have been having many uncanny telepathic experiences recently, since unplugging from media and detoxing (no animal food, etc). I have no explanation for it. I wonder if this is a planetary event happing also on a larger scale that will alter things, the so-called "Fifth Dimension". What I'm talking about isn't "in my head", it's strangers I meet knowing things about my profession, recent news etc. - and there is now way they could know it. And vice versa. I experience a sixth sense knowing about things because I'm calmer, not necessarily happy either - just aware. Reality IS changing, for our benefit not theirs.
I do read Vigilant Citizen of course because some very big dots are being connected these days, but I'm not exactly afraid of these creeps. The game's up.
carolina· 3 days ago
I know people is always oh you are going into a political rant.
Or you are inventing all this, this is conspiracy theories.
I can't believe people really is so brainwashed that they don't want to hear the truth.
Fe :)· 1 week ago
Thought of you this Morning( The Vigilent citizen) I was reading an article on( yahoo.co.nz This morning here in NZ) (Im a kiwi from NZ) as I saw a news article on the internet about Angelina Jolie and her kids she went to the Vatican In Rome to meet the Jesuit occult satanist pope francis (we all know hes been named in alot in many R***** and ritual occult satanic ritual abuse of many kids as well as Queen Elizabeth who "Cant be touched" either)
Anyway Back to (Angelina) and she had her hand in his Hands there (pope Francis) while Meeting and Greeting him she was there to promote her new Movie to them at The Vatican in Rome with her kids there too why as a parent who loves their children I ask everyone would she take her kids to a place were children are Ritually R****** and abused and used and and sacrificed in satanic occult rituals and sacrificed to satan in that satanic Place were satan dwells????? Makes you wonder doesnt it??!!!! :/ :/ :/
Look it up on the internet Blessings From NZ :)
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
The real reason she has a rainbow of kids is to appeal to everyone. By that i mean she can offer a kid of every flavor, so to speak. "Oh I feel like an Asian girl and a black girl today. Throw in a malaysian boy, too. That'll be fun." Sick minds.
ChrisNajar· 1 week ago
There is a pretty interesting phenomenon scheduled for 2015, specifically on April 4th and September 28th. There will be two total lunar eclipses on those dates. The curious thing is that there were other two total lunar eclipses in 2014. In Spanish this is called a "Tétrada de Lunas". I don't know the translation for English. This is a phenomenon also called "the four moons of blood" and this has happened four times in history, this being the fourth (2014-2015). And prophetically speaking, these phenomenon has always affected Israel, a very prophetic country that has to do with God's judgements and the end of times.
Definitely, definitely, 2015 will be a year where very heavy spiritual things will be carried out behind the curtain. For good or worse, right now there is a strong spiritual warfare going on for our souls. There are many evil entities controlling the powers in this planet, and of course many of those in power these days are directly controlled by these evil entities, believe it or not.
I don't know much about elites, Illuminati or the like, but I definitely believe there is an Antichrist that pretty soon will take control of everything in the world. The end times are coming, is crystal clear. Are you prepared? May God have mercy on all of us, stay strong! Don't be deceived by any of these devilish gimmicks, there is only one path to be delivered from all this. The world is all about deception, but God offers us salvation in Him.
Reply6 replies · active 1 day ago
selibeth· 1 week ago
Amen! "though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear not, for My GOD is with me"
All this is just making me cling more tightly to my savior, named Jesus~
steven· 1 week ago
May God continue to bestow his wisdom and grace upon all those who seek his face.
May we prepare with boldness and focus for the battle that is now and before us.
Jehovah nissi X
fireppoi· 1 week ago
Apropos israhell, where the heck is Bibi in this picture?
Steven· 1 week ago
Those 'evil entities' seems to be Israel and the West. They are both being exposed for what they've done to not only the Palestinian people, but to the rest of the world.
Alejandra· 1 week ago
I totally agree with you! God is the only way, do not be deceived....
Reader· 1 week ago
2015 will be for sure worse than 2014... and better than 2016.
Reply17 replies · active 3 hours ago
anon· 1 week ago
I don't agree. Something tells me 2015 is the year the tables turn, according the the Most High, as laid out in the stars. These creatures can plan (and brag of their plans) all they want. There will be twists and turns, but they're going down. WE just need to stay out of the way.
selibeth· 1 week ago
I am trusting in the wrath of GOD! HE will stop this evil in its tracks! So I agree with you~ The tables will turn. God almighty, help us all! WE need you!
BE AWARD· 1 week ago
God not going to help you by impeaching the elite to do what they want, the bible said, all these will come, so the only way the get out of all is the to be converted to jesus Christ then, you will be go at the rapture of the church and those events will come after you, if you don't go at the rapture, you will live them, no one can stop the elites, they are just puppets of Satan, So even God can not stop them not he doesn't have power to do so, but because he predicted it and he predicted the solution too, he doesn't care if their happen, he's tired to teach the world the truth in the bible but people doesn't care too. so go back to the good church, believe in Jesus, leave sin and you will be saved from elites' plan
cvlight· 1 week ago
And if we don't you're forgiving God will let us all burn? even though he is all powerful and omnipresent he is powerless to keep his employee (satan) in check.? Are you sure you have this all the right way round?
Henry· 1 week ago
Satan isn't God's employee. Satan is a rebel, who seeks to usurp God's place for himself. He was cast out of heaven along with the angels who chose to follow him. There is a war going on, a war between good and evil. God is allowing this all to play out, to expose the nature of Satan, to show everyone where evil will lead. By our actions we show which side of this war we're on. Make your allegiance with Jesus Christ, God's provision for salvation for our sins, and we will be on the winning team. Align yourself with Satan and the things he does and promotes, and you will find yourself barred from heaven where no evil or unclean thing can enter. In the end God will destroy all evil, so if it's your choice to stand with the losers, don't blame God if you end up destroyed along with them. God is not willing that anyone should perish, but the choice has always been yours.
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
Its hard to trust the words of the bible and organized religion. Look at the Vatican, or even the dark roots of how Christianity came about (Eric Dubay does a very informative post on The Atlantean Conspiracy) There's another site that points out the flaws in Jesus's teachings and suggests he may not be who he claimed to be. Although that site says very plausible things, I am unsure where I stand on it since it keeps going on about this Maestro Empanda (something like that) being the new true prophet and comparing him to Moses. That site is called The True Name or something along those lines.
Either way, the point I'm trying to make is that not everybody who believes in a higher power (God, Jesus, etc) wishes to subscribe to organized religion. Have you never read Brice Taylor's book? Church is where some of her abuse happened. Other people get molested by religious officials on the regular. And those ministers etc have the nerve to preach about how we should be better people.
I believe there is a being commonly known as God. I also believe if s/he/it is all that we think, then they should know what's in our hearts. We shouldn't have to sit in a church listening to a possible hypocrite or pedo or both. God should already know who we truly are inside and judge us on that.
Truth is, none of us really know how things are going to go down when poop hits the fan. I believe in and love God, but idk if I'm a good enough person to be saved from the rapture. But as long as my kids are safe, that's all that really matters to me. (Of course I want all the good people and the planet to be saved also)
Anonymous1· 1 week ago
Staying out of the way and passively waiting for a miracle to magically save us plays right into the elite's hands, doesn't it? Wouldn't it be better to take matters into our own hands and fight back against these satan-worshipping child molesters?
If we succeed then we change things for the better. And if we fail at least we tried and didn't sit idly by as our world was corrupted and ruined. Far better to die standing than to live on our knees.
Henry· 1 week ago
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
[Ephesians 6:12]
The rulers and authorities and such referenced in the above verse are not specifically the human and human institutions that we're used to dealing with, but the demonic forces behind them that influence and control them. Scripture indicates that in the spiritual realm there is a demonic hierarchy, with demons having dominion over various areas and taking their orders from higher-ups. Since these are not flesh-and-blood beings, our warfare against them cannot be with swords and guns, but with spiritual weapons, as the continuation of the scripture passage shows:
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
[Ephesians 6:13-20]
It is knowing the truth of who we are and what the situation is, that will help us win this war. It is being righteous, so that you won't be counted as part of Satan's clan nor be swayed by his temptations. It is doing good deeds that bring peace and harmony instead of evil deeds that bring misery. It is having faith in God, that he will protect us and keep us safe EVEN IF WE ARE SLAIN! Faith also assures us we are God's children, so that the evil one's whisperings of "you're no good!", "you're a sinner and a hypocrite!" (etc) cannot get us down because we know whose we are and that He sees us just as clean and righteous as He sees his Son. It is using the Word of God to speak truth to those around us, to destroy the lies of the evil one and open the eyes of the deceived. And it is using prayer to strengthen the saints of God, to ask God for his protection and guidance, and to frustrate the plans of the enemy.
Your post above suggests you're still very much thinking in worldly terms, but know this: This world and EVERYTHING in it will be burned up. Nothing will remain. Then, once all evil has been purged, a new world will be made by God. So it's no use fighting for things of the world, because they are all destined to be destroyed. Trust in God, and look forward to a new Earth when the appointed time comes.
blasphemy· 1 week ago
and you are basing this on what? i have a feeling this year will be better then last year. i think the world in itself is coming out of a depression that is slowly fading away. like someone else said this year is going to be a turning point, its already starting out right, gas prices are dropping and ebola is being kept under control.
MrFreethinker· 1 week ago
A rudimentary study of symbology, as well as Manly P Hall's information (amongst others), will reveal how the Elite view many of the symbols, as well as how they use words and numbers one way while the masses/profane view them as something completely different. Whether you believe that or not is up to you...just remember, just because certain things MIGHT not be real (for instance, magic might NOT be real), there are those that DO BELIEVE it is real and go out of their way to make these things so. It's okay to be skeptical, but don't be so skeptical that your mind is closed to the possibility that VC and others could be correct.
lalaland· 1 week ago
Wrong. Dropping gas prices are a sign that something is amiss. Oh, and the ebola? That was another scare tactic concocted in a laboratory to make the masses go and beg the government for a vaccine. You are not seeing the big picture.
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
Although nobody is going to complain about paying less for gas. Still, I've been wondering what's up with that. But I hope the prices stay low.
thingsicantshare· 1 week ago
The low prices are really easy to explain.
1. Fracking in the US really took off so we started having a lot more oil of our own.
2. Saudi Arabia is keeping the middle eastern oil prices low to undercut Russia (whose entire economy is based around exporting oil, and who supported the Syrian government when the Saudis supported the rebels) and the US (who they don't want to compete with).
selibeth· 1 week ago
HA! another sheeple, sadly
Nobody· 1 week ago
I admire your optimism.
Culo· 3 hours ago
It's not gonna be just a year, man. It's gonna be THE year. The tribulation is beginning, and we have to decide wether if we want to be with the good ones... or this mother****ers.
GodAlone· 1 week ago
Agreed. In fact what this article left out was an analysis of the 'game' board. It shows 'Federal Reserve', the dollar collapsing literally falling down the cliff, then at the bottom, (causing a) 'crisis', followed by the 'Green Light' to China to takeover (panda flexing its muscles - battery red '+' and China flag red.
Is this not portraying the collapse of the US$ in 2015 resulting in a crisis (chaos allows the Insiders to bring in what would not normally be tolerated by the 'expendable containers/useless eaters/human resources/useful idiots' as the Insiders term we, the people) that provides the justification and 'need' to introduce a new World Order currency (and other) system.
After all, according to Jim Sinclair, THE GREAT LEVELLING (annihilation of the independent Middle Classes) was planned to occur between 2014-2016. To this end, note the instructions of the BIS have been carried out that the G20 nations have in place Bank Bail-In Legislation (of our bank deposits) by Nov 2014 Brisbane Australia G20 meeting. (Note too, the phenomenal Derivatives that are kept off-balancesheet by the too big to fail banks and which market can collapse the global system).
The arrows with the dates (?), beach sand, water, may indicate a flood/tsunami (Florida?) created by HAARP weapons as usual.
Pastor Lindsey Williams (in his latest dvd) was told by his Insider acquaintance 'an act of God' would result in an 'asteroid' landing near Puerta Rico and flooding of the (Florida?) east coast of USA. Florida may not be a safe place to be in 2015, nor coastal areas around it. He must mean the elites' god - lucifer. Another unrelated source has said Florida is not safe. Is November a high season for holidaymakers to Florida? The chost holding the holiday brochure may relate to this too. Time alone will tell.
innerspace· 1 week ago
There is certainly no denying that the powers that be want us all to be poor, homeless and starving. That's their end goal.
Reply4 replies · active 1 day ago
Truth & Light· 1 week ago
add unhealthy to that list
FishfulThinking· 1 week ago
Or dead.
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
I suppose I'm lucky having already been all of the above (minus dead) so it shouldn't be too hard to do it again :p
The have-nots are generally kinder than the haves. Not the younger generation, though. The young ones these days steal from eachother and get eachother into prostitution. It wasn't like that 15 years ago. Results of the brainwashing being ramped up since the late '90s.
doc H· 1 week ago
angela merkel makin the illuminati sign , pyramid and horus eye....
Reply4 replies · active 1 day ago
jgv777· 1 week ago
I saw that too
Jesus Navas· 1 week ago
She clearly isn't.
Anti H J Anslinger· 1 week ago
I did'nt know Angela Merkel was a gansta rapper! But like Kanye West, she does'nt look very happy within herself.
fireppoi· 1 week ago
She is always making that sign, they call it "the merkel", did you know that she is supporting the gang in kiev?
jgv777· 1 week ago
Wow - it's actually pretty wild to be living in these end times...seeing the things prophesied in the Bible come to pass. On one hand it is concerning, I mean, who's ready? Does everyone have a food supply and a plan of action? We have the knowledge, we have for a long time, but clearly now is the time to take real action. We can't stop it, and that's not the point, we are not supposed to stop it. It's all apart of the plan, God's plan. It is a war. A war between Yahweh and Satan. Satan get's his time to run things but it isn't lasting, it's not forever. Get right with Yahweh if you haven't already. All too soon will death become a reality for us and it's the afterlife that's lasting, after life is eternal. Choose this day who you serve.
Reply12 replies · active 2 days ago
VigilantVal· 1 week ago
Certainly. There isn't any stopping this and no amount of planning and preperation will save us from what comes next. The best thing we can do is prepare our hearts and souls for the meeting with our Lord.
Ms Smith· 1 week ago
When the time comes, we may need to rely on The Lord like the Children of Israel who were feed manna from Heaven and parted the sea for escape. Your right, no amount of perpetration will do, you can can be stolen from. One day it may come down to only the Lords protection and supply.
Olive· 1 week ago
God will be faithful to provide. We need to keep a thankful heart no matter what happens.
It's exciting times we live in!
concerned· 1 week ago
Sooo exciting... you are sick.
listener· 1 week ago
not so exciting ... you must be sick to be excited about this
anon· 1 week ago
"The meek shall inherit the earth" is interesting as well. Hint: Meek people don't race-mix.
Jahrule· 1 week ago
Hint.racists won't inherit..
anon22446688· 1 week ago
Hint. Immigration to all countries, but not least the Western countries, combined with later miscegenation (race-mixing), is part of the NWO agenda. The "anon" poster is therefore right. Mixers are neither respecting, nor upholding, their own people's history and cultural heritage. The mixing in effect nullifies all national, racial and heritage/culture-based pride, and therefore works in the favor of (soon) creating a NWO.
concerned· 1 week ago
You need to look within and heal the darkness that would trick you into believing such things.
Julez· 1 week ago
Nowhere in the Bible do they speak about not to mix race, heritage or culture it's always about religion and not believing what pagans believe or these people or that nothing about race.
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
I've believed for a long time that penguins, zebras, and comes were Gods hints that we should follow the black/white example. If everyone mixed races, eventually we'd all be one colour then racism wouldn't exist.
But I suppose here that's thinking too in the NWOs lines....
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
Cows not comes. Stupid autofill
jep· 1 week ago
what a site, thanks!
Reply1 reply · active 1 week ago
Chris· 1 week ago
This is due to the force of darkness..The same force in Star Wars and the movie theme is "The Force Awakens"...
This and the next year is going to be really really bad for humanity. Be very very careful. The force has awakened.
sparrow59· 1 week ago
Would love to post this on my facebook, but they already think I'm a nut!
Reply9 replies · active 1 day ago
jgv777· 1 week ago
~JC~· 1 week ago
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
People are always saying things to me like "you and your conspiracy theories." Telling them "they aren't MINE and they aren't theories; they're facts" does no good. I figure the denial, for them, is the adult version of hiding under a blanket from that which scares them.
Its like that movie quote "you can't handle the truth." They can't. So we're the crazy ones.
Death2Elite· 1 week ago
Let's just please hope and pray that they would wake up soon Sparrow59 I encourage you to post it anyway
Alex· 1 week ago
I have the same problem! I'm new to all this (only started looking into things properly 3-4 months ago but things such as 9/11, 7/7, Lee Rigby's murder, Boston marathon and more recently Charlie Hebdo make me question things). We are right to question things. Sadly most people just accept what they're told. More fool them.
Nash· 1 week ago
Facebook might not be THE ideal place, but Twitter is (I used to share all these posts, but my friends wouldn't buy it, so it was kinda pointless. But on Twitter, ANYONE could see it, even other conspiracy theorists, then they'd follow me and I would get to read what they've got to say)
Besides, you can bring the horse to the water, but you can't make it drink the water
Eventually someone WILL read what you share, so don't stop posting :)
You can't shove down your beliefs down other's throats, it'll just distance them from you and make them think you're delusional (which is annoying, I know)
D D d· 1 week ago
You know who the owners of twitter are, don't you? And have you read their smallprint-contract?
TheLight· 1 week ago
I'm not on twitter but am curious about the true purpose of social media especially after seeing the latest Captain America movie. What's in the small print that you think we should know?
DDd· 2 days ago
You give them the right and opportunity to use you and your information and your friends for everything they can think of. Including following you around the globe and following everyone you connect with, their ipnrs, their adressess etc. Trackingdown everything over the internet that is done via the device you use to fb or twttr with. For free ofcourse. Never mind the things you lose rights of like your pics and poems. Funny to see them used in advertisment in japan or china isn.t it?
Still a Girl· 1 week ago
Just when I start to think all of this is far-fetched. This cover pretty much ties it all together doesn't it? It can't just be a coincidence. I wonder what the older woman driving the older SUV-type vehicle means. (It's in the bottom right corner. You have to blow up the picture to see it). That the elderly are SOL? Hopefully this is all just to scare us more than a prediction. Keep living your lives and take care of yourselves and each other. God bless you all.
Reply14 replies · active 2 days ago
cvlight· 1 week ago
The old lady in the landrover is Queen Elizabeth.
Still a Girl· 1 week ago
Thanks! I don't even know what to make of that then. Since the entire image is symbolic vomit, it must mean something. I think I've analyzed enough for the day, but if anyone else has a take, I would be interested in hearing it.
mozo tito· 1 week ago
Queen Elizabeth is obviously part of the elite, but here she is depicted in colour instead of black & white. Apparently she won't be part of the Elite in 2015 -> abdiction?
I don't understand the clown fish ... :-(
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
She's been planning to pass on the throne to William and Kate. That's about all I know, trivial gossip from The Enquirer etc aside
yabusa· 1 week ago
the characters depicted as black and white are meant to be figureheads. not really living or not really alive. the ones coloured are supposed to be the real ones, the real nobles. the political leaders are the promoted puppets as we all know and the ones who control them, do believe that they are distinguished aristocrats, with a distinctive bloodline, as the rothschilds who own the economist. the jewish bankers were long seen as secondary citizens of europe and were looked down for centuries until the 2nd part of 19th century. the were often pictured as evil creatures and have been thrown out of countries, laughed at or at least demonized. during the industrial revolution and the competition of overseas colonies, countries needed a lot of money, and bankers like rothschilds found out that, giving loans to states rathers than persons, make much bigger profits. they made such huge sums that, by the end of 19th century, they were the richest in europe, so they considered themselves as equals of european aristocrats. so, they indeed have this longlasting inferiority complex of being natural born nobles, having a distinctive bloodline and taste in art. you can see that in rothschild famil's investments on fine arts and the way they present themselves. it's a european tradition that aristocratic families do have very fine taste in arts and invest on beauty to symbolize their family traditions dating back to a very long time ago. In this, they prove how established their wealth and roots is.
Still a Girl· 1 week ago
I totally missed that she was in color compared to the other elite. That's interesting. But if she gives the throne to Will and Kate isn't she still part of the elite? Maybe it's about influence. I don't know why I focused on this image so much. Maybe because it was the most hidden.
I think I read at least one thought about the clown fish in the comments here.
cvlight· 1 week ago
I personally think it very very unlikely she will abdicate, if she did it would critically weaken the British royal family. Probably to a point they would not recover from. Kate and William are great celebrities but do not have what Elizabeth represents to the British people.
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
Agreed; they are the biggest celebrity royals since Diana. That's what makes them the most likely to inherit the throne. Nobody likes Charles and Camilla. Harry's too scandalous, and George is too young. So Elizabeth doesn't have many options of who will get the throne when she dies or retires.
Word is Elizabeth's health is failing, so she's been in talks with Will and Charles. Charles doesn't really care. His wife does. She's pretty much only interested in being queen. Elizabeth and Charles know how much public backlash they'll be under if Camilla does become queen. The result being: the royals will lose power over the public since there's been quiet rumbling of overthrowing or ditching the monarchy anyways. At least in Canada. What do they do for us anyway? Nothing.
That's why Will and Kate were poised to become such media darlings: to create sway with the public. Kate is fresh faced, young, and pretty. She's "thrifty" and someone the masses relate to. Will and Kate become King and Queen, they retain power. Now if Camilla and Charles are King and Queen? Even the Brits would turn their backs on the monarchy. It all rides on William and the new Diana.
However, its also rumoured that Will's giving up the throne for Kate. Allegedly she can't take the pressure. I figure it's mostly media gossip to make a better story when she does eventually take the crown, make her all the more sympathetic. The royals might eat children (look up William Combe from Vancouver) but they aren't stupid. They rely on being public figures to stay in power. So, the next generation has to be celebrities.
Philippe· 1 week ago
Isn't Charles not eligible as he has married a Divorcee commoner Camilla?
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
He's eligible, but not popular. Partly because he cheated on Diana with Camilla, and mostly because everyone hates Camilla (not just because of the Diana factor. Camilla's pure evil and it shows in her face. She doesn't know how to make the public like her, and is jealous of Kate. I'm sure a brit could tell you more than I can. As I said, most of my information comes from reading between the lines of gossip magazines. Or stumbling across things online)
Alex· 1 week ago
Thanks for the info on William Coombes from Vancouver. I've not heard of that story before.
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
They've been trying to hide it. I'm glad you checked into it. More people need to know!
Wondering· 1 week ago
Maybe the new Nemo movie and it's juxtaposition by the Pied Piper show how the media lead our children away?
jkr· 1 week ago
The lady driving the S U V type vehicle looks like the queen but if the full colour people are the ordinary folks, why is she not in black and white like the other elites? Perhaps its because she's not a politician!!
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
A few things that I noticed that were not mentioned in the article.
First, by Alice's feet, there is the earth wrapped in chains, which is pretty ominous.
Second, near David Cameron, there is a piggy bank flying. This brings to mind the common phrase, "when pigs fly." Does this mean that something will happen to the banking system that we once thought impossible? A world currency perhaps? I could be reaching.
Third, the painting is "La belle ferronnière" by Leonardo Da Vinci. It is sitting on a pile of dirt. It is in the Louvre in Paris. Perhaps this is hinting at the fall of Parisian culture, tradition, or influence. There is a lot going on with the radical Islamists in France. It may also be hinting at the fall of Western influence in general or perhaps the burying of the past for the sake of the future. It is hard to say.
Fourth, there is also a jeep behind a leg of Narendra Modi. It is clearly a left-hand driving vehicle. The woman driving is wearing a head covering and the license plate begins with A4. This is an area or province code for some country, but I cannot find which one. Maybe someone can figure it out. Pakistan, maybe?
Fifth, most of the world leaders seem to be wearing red, pink, or purple, excepting the Chinese and Indian leaders. Does this mean that they will be influenced by China (red flag)?
Sixth, Napoleon is featured. This painting is a famous portrait from Jacque-Louis David. It prominently features the hidden hand, which is talked about in another article on this site.
Seventh, the Chinese officer in the back is wearing a dust mask and is directing traffic in Harbin, China in the midst of extreme smog caused by Chinese industry. This is indicative of the horrible pollution in China which is killing their people. The increase in Chinese power comes at the cost of Chinese citizens.
Finally, there are two disembodied hands on the left and the right. The left one is giving the victory sign (as opposed to peace) since it is near Winston Churchill. The right one has an open hand (possibly belonging to Hilary Clinton). With its proximity to Napoleon, perhaps it is the revealing of the hidden hand.
Reply28 replies · active 6 days ago
Orwell's mentor· 1 week ago
Funny, when you wrote about the Louvre in Paris, I thought the next sentence proceeding it was about the current attack being a false flag when I saw the word "fall".
Of course, that's what it is...
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
I agree that it is likely a false flag. The video cameras (installed after the previous incidents) just happened to be off the last few weeks. Also, it is rather convenient that one of the suspects left his ID card, right? And since the suspects are already on the watch lists, then no one would/should question it.
Seventhdayendtimes· 1 week ago
It's a baseball by Alice's feet
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
That isn't a baseball. Look at the larger picture. You will see multiple chains around a white orb. There is some faint green on the white that looks like a continent.
Timekeeper· 1 week ago
No it's a white cricket ball representing the cricket world cup in NZ and Australia starting in February (Friday 13th if I'm not mistaken)
There is also the world in the shape of a rugby ball representing the Rugby world cup starting later this year in England.
march hare· 1 week ago
Its actually a croquet ball..."Off with their heads!" As the Queen of Hearts said at the Croquet match in Alice in Wonderland.
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
We don't play cricket here. That explains the ball then, though I can't rule out a double meaning.
Nash· 1 week ago
Maybe, maybe not.
They usually play World Cups with a pink ball (they use white balls for night matches)
And the green stuff looks odd, too.
And it'll be a bit weird if they use a white ball for representing the Cricket WC (it would be sensible if they used a cricket bat instead, or the cup itself)
But maybe yeah, I guess you're right.
It going to start on 14th February, btw.
FutureLight· 1 week ago
Scroll dpown , I have given a comment on A4
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
Thank you sir. I read your comment. I couldn't find the New Delhi A4 license plate. I keep getting results for Audi A4. The picture is likely somewhat famous or at least well known. Even if I do not know it, but it looks like the license plate was photoshopped and is significant in some way.
cvlight· 1 week ago
The registration number of the Queens Landrover is A444RYV. Not a big secret and the photo is not photoshopped.
allys· 1 week ago
Its Queen Elizabeth driving the landrover, .
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
Yep. Looked it up. That is her. Thank you!
Rebelwithaclause· 1 week ago
I hardly doubt the Queen drives anywhere, she is chauffeured everywhere in luxury sedans, zoom in it doesn't even look like her.
The plate could be A is the 1st letter of the alphabet, so 1+ 4=5 and they are driving, when driving you often see signs reading "you are entering ______" the 5 is for the 5th Age that we are about to enter into.
cvlight· 1 week ago
Try Googling "the queen driving her landrover"
Peter· 1 week ago
4. its a British Queen driving her own Defender
watchtower· 1 week ago
There is no disembodied hand on the right. That is Winston Churchill's hand and a famous picture of him as well.
watchotwer· 1 week ago
Also the other hand on the left is used in the same way on the Beatles controversial album cover, "Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". Its a signal to mean that someone is dead.
Chaching1604· 1 week ago
As someone mentioned the hand on the right is Winston Churchill's. While the hand on the right is (I think) Goodluck Jonathan's, the president of Nigeria, if you google him he is often seen in that same exact pose.
Goya· 1 week ago
For what it's worth, when looking up Province A4 on Google, what came up for me was: 3 locations: Warcq, Charleville-Mezieres and La Francheville all sharing the same info- State/Province or City: Champagne-Ardenne, State/Province or city Abbreviation or Code: A4. Not sure if this helps but still wanted to share nonetheless.
Goya· 1 week ago
For what it's worth, when looking up Province A4 on Google, what came up for me was: 3 locations: Warcq, Charleville-Mezieres and La Francheville all sharing the same info- State/Province or City: Champagne-Ardenne, State/Province or city Abbreviation or Code: A4. Not sure if this helps but still wanted to share nonetheless.
Sorry I placed this comment in the wrong place the first time.
gibby62· 6 days ago
I also noticed the plane the little boy was holding was oversized. Is it really a drone??
SignsoftheTimes5996· 1 week ago
Hello wrestedverses, I found your additional info and insights very interesting.
And I've got another one to Add to your list. Took me a while to figure this one out completely.
***The drum set in the lower left corner, below the pied piper.
The top two drums have the US flag on them.
The Bass drum has the word "50th" written on it.
The electric guitar has the British flag on it.
The electric guitar has been shoved into the bass drum, destroying both of them
Connecting these symbols to the british band coming to the US wasn't to hard.
After searching, I quickly found the beatles came to the US for the first time on feb 7th 1964
At first one might think that 2015 would be 50th anniversary since they first came to the US.
But actually the 50th anniversary was feb 7th 2014, last year.
So.... why would they include this on the 2015 magazine cover??
Well, after some digging, I found the answer:
2015 is not the 50th year anniversary since they arrived in the US....
**BUT it is the 50th Anniversary of the Release of their song titled "HELP"
"HELP" single was recorded on apr 13th 1965
released on july 19 1965 (US)
july 23 1965 (UK)
"HELP" was Also an Album released aug 6th 1965
And "HELP" was Also a Movie that was july 29th 1965
***ALL*** of which make 2015 the 50th Anniversary of ALL releases of "HELP"
In my perspective, the people in US & Britain (and other western nations) are soon going to be crying "HELP" As the economies of these nations are so intertwined, when the US economy is destroyed, it will take down the UK, and then many other nations which are heavily connected to either economy.
SignsoftheTimes5996· 1 week ago
Secondly, You mentioned the Painting "La belle ferronnière" by Leonardo Da Vinci.
I found this painting's inclusion in their image interesting when I first saw it, as I noted that it was sitting on a pile of dirt. But I knew nothing about it, nor what it was even called, until reading your post.
After reading your post, and doing a little digging, I found something Very Interesting.
Around 1920, a forgery was made of "La belle ferronnière". Which was then offered to the Kansas City Art Institute. This forgery was then found out, and was settled in court for $60,000, which was a huge sum of money back then.
But, why is that interesting? Because in the movie "2012" (which also had a TON of symbolism in it) there was another Leonardo Da Vinci painting, the Mona Lisa (which is also at the Louvre) was replaced by a forged painting, so that the real Mona Lisa could be taken to a secret location. In the movie, the forgery was also known, but the lie about where they were taking the painting was also found out, and a great price was paid to keep it from the public.
My thoughts is that this Da Vinci Painting in the cover image is a reference to this same idea that was in 2012. But the pile of dirt its sitting on is showing that items deemed "irreplaceable" are being taken to an underground location.
A few other things I noticed:
**Amazon Drone carrying "Books".... interesting, noting that most "books" these days are digital now, unless you want to make sure you have a hard copy in case computers are not accessible.
**Two clown fish (finding nemo) coming from behind the Pied Pipers leg - still thinking about this one, would like to hear others thoughts about this.
**The person in the back holding the "Singapore" flag - if you zoom in on a high quality image, they seem to be wearing a china hat, as it as the letter "CHI" on both sides, even though the cresent and 5 stars is a symbol of singapore
**the disembodied hand on the right side of the image - again, if you zoom in on a high quality image, there is something wrong with the center of the hand, its been photo shopped, but I'm not sure what its supposed to be. My first thought was a symbol of the "White Rabbit" from alice in wonderland.
**The "rocket car" at the bottom of the image - This is a rocket powered vehicle which is Very Interestingly named "Bloodhound". Its being built to attempt to break the Land Speed Record, and attempt to achieve 1000mph. Its scheduled to be tested in Hakskeen Pan in Northern Cape, South Africa in 2015. But I think it has been included in this image, due to its name.
**Just to the right of the "bloodhound" jet car is the Two arrows which have been mentioned. The heads of these two arrows are buried in the... "floor" of this image. The floor which when zoomed in, seems to be made of granite. The tails are the only thing we see, which the number "11.5" & "11.3". My first thought on these numbers were earthquake magnitudes, which would be Massive.
Just a few of my thoughts as I continue to look into the symbolism of their "cover" image.
SignsoftheTimes5996· 1 week ago
Also note, the queen driving the SUV (as others have mentioned) is so small you wouldn't even know who it is without zooming in on the high quality image, and finding the original photo in a news article.
She is also Behind all the "Big" Public Puppets.
I believe she symbolized the true "elite" behind the scenes, almost hidden from view, who the public doesn't take much notice of in the respect the public thinks she wields no power. When in fact her families bloodline, and many other "elite" who are also behind the scenes, are the one's who pull the strings of all the public puppets.
Her driving the SUV, instead of being on foot like everyone else in the photo, and being very small behind the big puppets, shows the "true elite" are now getting away quickly to their bunkers, and the public won't really notice.
How would no one really notice? Well by pre-recording video of them appearing in places and/or doing "normal" routine/activities. Also for public figures who normally do speeches and such, these can also be pre-recorded as well, but for a few they may even perform them from their bunkers, just like obama could do, and the back ground would be made to look exactly like his normal presentation room.
Whats on this cover is no accident, everything is included for a reason
Again, just a few thoughts.
taz2244· 1 week ago
Her driving the SUV, instead of being on foot like everyone else in the photo, maybe means she is the driving force behind everything.
cvlight· 1 week ago
It is The Who's 50th anniversary tour and they are going to the U.S. Maybe you don't remember The Who but they had a thing for sticking guitars in drum kits.
cvlight· 1 week ago
Strange my comment landed out of order, that was a reply to signofthetimes.
Ken· 1 week ago
While I read many cogent comments here, the most valuable, the most insightful, and the most relevant is the comment from " Marcus · 15 hours ago" That begins with the words: "It's all a war on the mind." He's nailed the NWO Takeover Game perfectly. The satanic Illuminated rats need your COOPERATION, meaning your acquiescence, your defeatism, your despair, your cynicism, your worry, your paralyzing trepidations and your foreboding thoughts about their projected Doom & Gloom scenarios so you will withdraw into yourself ever more and ponder how you and your family may survive, and IF you can survive their "coming" nightmare. The thought of NOT cooperating with them -on all levels, and do exactly opposite of what they expect you of you, and to LAUGH at their Skull & Bones Horror Movie imagery and shenanigans -- never occurs to you, Why do you suppose so many international airports, at least here in the USA, are temples of Illuminated death symbols? They NEED you to buy into their Doom & Gloom psyops on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level in order to bring it on. Without your cooperation, it can't happen and it WON'T happen. Lao Zsu spelled out the game a long time ago. It's psychological warfare, plain and simple. The other thing that most people fail to realize is that divine spiritual forces are superior and are in play to counter and neutralize the destructive work of the demonic-possessed psychos that make up the Illuminated Rat Brigade. Stop worrying so much and start thinking about how you can eject the Illuminated rats whose hands are on the levels of political power in your country or state and replace them with patriotic human beings with a heart and a conscience. It's not that difficult. Intentions stimulate thoughts, and thoughts, in turn, forge our collective reality.
Reply2 replies · active 1 week ago
Lilly· 1 week ago
You Sir, Rock!
hillbillikus· 1 week ago
Thank goodness someone on here hit the nail with their hammer.
Stop Common Purpose· 1 week ago
VC - very insightful as usual.
Thinus· 1 week ago
Reply1 reply · active 1 week ago
slimekiller· 1 week ago
That is the whole purpose of putting something like this out there. The ECONOMIST IS OWNED BY ROTHSCHILDS. This is fear **** as usual. To stop it, simply focus on all the good and happy things we want to come in during 2015 and 2016. Imagine all the love, beauty, warmed, comradar etc that is our future and nurture it and share it everywhere. If we ignore the threats, fear, etc, it has no power over us and we are much more powerful than those doing this massive fear ****ography. Thanks Vigilant Citizen for getting this out, so we can take it on and demolish it with our excellent energy. Fear is the "low" vibration, and love and compassion are the higher vibrations, so swamp them with love and compassion for the prison they have created for themselves and wish them goodness in their lives and much joy and no hate or fear.
Mark· 1 week ago
Spider Man perhaps symbolizes the weaving of a sinister web by those masked in secrecy.
The ghost is creepy. It's peeking out from behind Obama's leg with a Holiday pamphlet, perhaps signifying that the president is going on a "permanent vacation."
The woman in front is forming a pyramid symbol with her hands, and if you zoom in close enough there is a button or and "eye" directly in the middle.
They are also all standing on a reflective surface. "As above so Below."
Reply10 replies · active 1 week ago
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
Spiderman is constantly flashing the devil horns hand signal when he shoots his web. Not really related to the article or topic, more an observation that could be a hidden reason for his inclusion on the cover.
I like your theory on the sinister web he weaves. It makes sense, especially with his devil horns while shooting his web.
Mark· 1 week ago
Very good point regarding the hand signal Spider Man flashes.
Fraggle Roc· 1 week ago
"Weaving Spiders Come Not Here"..Bohemian Grove reference.
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
I did not know that. Thank you for sharing!
Tamara· 1 week ago
The sad thing is,according to that quote they don't like spiders but they have become a malevolent organizational spider, weaving their web of control all over the world.
TheTruthIsHere· 1 week ago
Great explainations on Spiderman's hand gesture and the Bohemian Grove quote.
Although another random thought...in the first Spiderman movie (or at least in one of the original ones), if memory serves me correct, there is a scene in the movie where he is swinging between the Twin Towers. This was removed due to 9-11. Any new Spiderman movies forthcoming in 2015 and perhaps a hint to a coming disaster / attack? Spiderman is known for it's New York location, again, a multifaceted clue??
4nonymou5· 1 week ago
Spiderman symbolizes new york
It's me· 1 week ago
I like your interpretation of the reflective surface. Very observant.
Alex· 1 week ago
So do I. I hadn't even noticed it! The picture is so full of symbols it's pretty dazzling. It makes me want to go out and buy the magazine so I can really scrutinise it but I won't line their pockets :/
hillbillikus· 1 week ago
Mabie the ghost symbolises the holy spirit leaving mankind, as part of the great tribulation, at which point the condition of this world becomes so horrible that people will seek death but not find it, "death on vacation"
Pajamas· 1 week ago
Infinitely more informative than one-eyed fashion models posing as corpses. This gives us something to work with. Thank you, VC.
Mike· 1 week ago
Does the man in the back wearing the captain/Navy hat and the mask/gloves represent cruise ship virus outbreak, or a pandemic?
Does the flying piggy bank represent our savings about to crash?
Does the football (trophy?) represent a shift in global power, or that it's all a game and prize?
Doest the ghost planning his vacation represent Obama being assassinated and going on permanent vacation, a possible assassination on him to frame white supremacists and start a racial civil war? They have a head start now with what's been going on lately, and they're even dragging David Duke out from under the rug for some reason.
Does the kid holding a huge toy plane represent a naive drone pilot doing the oligarchy's dirty work, as he stares at the "panic"?
Does the pile of dust at the bottom of the painting represent the fine things in life being turned to dust, such as by that mushroom cloud in the top right?
Does the 11.3 and 11.5 represent dates, march 11 and may 11 (in common day.month European format) that would correlate to such events?
Reply10 replies · active 1 day ago
cvlight· 1 week ago is an IP address owned by DoD Network Information Center and located in Columbus (Northeast Columbus), United States
Suteki· 1 week ago
In European format 11.3 & 11.5 are both dates of earthquakes. One being the fourth biggest quake on record, that hit Japan on March 11th.
Just watching· 1 week ago
I thought the numbers were earthquake related too. But I thought it was the strength of the earthquake on the Ritcher scale.
Smooch· 1 week ago
I agree with you regarding the ghost, vacation and Obama. It was the first thing I thought when I saw it. Also he is front and center in the picture. If he is taken out, it is almost as if everything else in the picture can then move forward.
taz2244· 1 week ago
And like the chesire cat at his other leg, He will disapear.
tina· 1 week ago
Nice info, I think you are spot on and that all possibilities need consideration. I noticed that the turtle representing the Fabian Society, has 9 claws and 11 slashes? above it's shell, and of course the world knows what that means!
Yahushua Follower· 1 week ago
3.115.11 - ge.com - United States - General Electric Company. Also how about the 50th turned upside-down to be a 20 with an F and the greek letter: The symbol μ (Greek: mu) is used to denote the arithmetic mean of an entire population. Also, note that the ISIS guy in the back is not actually holding the gun but seems to be the root of what looks like cough splatter and the Asian in the mask is holding up his hands. The ISIS guy in the back is in black and white and the other hooded guy is in color and is clearly Caucasian.
donny 12344· 1 week ago
the economist is not 'partly' owned by rotshchild, it is COMPLETLEY owned by rothschild, with puppets and inside investors allowed in to maintain illusion of diversity and keep the network going.
Also, the people inblack and white represents zombies- the walking dead. Notice that most of these cabal members are in black and whtie (most of them are literally clones; the real versions having been eliminated years ago) - this says that the global communists are zombies; the living dead- that the masses think they would be killers on the streets instead of politicians and bankers. its of no coincidence that freemasonry has black and white (the checkerboard) as its main colours- and freemasonry is the religion of these global communists.
Reply5 replies · active 1 week ago
T.A.O· 1 week ago
I for one agree as a Nigerian, our current president GEJ speaks and acts like he has no mind of his own! A complete Zombie if i may say
D D d· 1 week ago
Blackmail - might be a keyword in international politics.
Dmitry· 1 week ago
You are correct. We have 3 different actors playing Putin in russia(maybe more) but none of them looks like original putin. There are lots of pictures where different putins are compared. I've heard there are at least 2 obamas exist.
Dmitry· 1 week ago
You are correct. We have 3 different actors playing Putin in russia(maybe more) but none of them looks like original putin. There are lots of pictures where different putins are compared. I've heard there are at least 2 obamas exist.
nnuts· 1 week ago
Nailed it, donny! Symbolic Factoid Alert: b/w checkerboard makes me think of the word exchequer which means the British government department of tax collection and revenues. Back in medieval times the tax collector would spread out a b/w checkerboard cloth to be used as a tool for figuring appropriations. Freemasonary +Central Banking + tax collection = "Global" economy. Start prepping.
McGruber· 1 week ago
Anyone else notice the 50th anniversary British invasion drumset and guitar on the lower left? Could represent the 50th anniversary (1965 is when new-Rock, Beatles, Stones, Laurel Canyon bands really took off) of the elites total takeover of music and a reshaping of western civilization through music and drugs. See Dave McGowan's great work on this.
Reply2 replies · active 1 week ago
Sparkle· 1 week ago
A million years ago, Betty Davis went on a rant on some late night talk show about why rock music would be the downfall of this country. She was very riled up and defensive. I thought she was just being an old lady, but it always stuck with me. Now, I wonder what she knew. Hm.
watchtower· 1 week ago
Its the 50th anniversary of "The Who"
4nonymou5· 1 week ago
If you look at the 11.5 and 11.3 arrows, and the girl (Alice?) in front of them, you can see that there is a sequence of arrows raining down. The next one hits the girl, and its value would be 11.1
Reply5 replies · active 1 week ago
wrestedverses· 1 week ago
The ball, which to me looks like the earth in chains, is next in the sequence, which would be 10.9. If it is a date, then it would be 10/30.
mich· 1 week ago
The ball is a croquet ball...which goes with Alice in Wonderland. Her head is on the line in the game with the queen
Ramon· 1 week ago
That could mean tomorrow, nice catch.
Under panic and Federal reserve money falls of cliff.
4nonymou5· 1 week ago
Related to Charlie Hebdo maybe?
Ramon· 1 week ago
Today will be also a lot of focus on Paris, even our PM Rutte joins a protest rally. If today something happens, the so called leaders can immediately together propagandize there leis to the public and make rapid big choices.
But my feeling overall is that China (BRICS) will drop the Dollar/euro. Only China has food, western boy stupid needles toy. Maybe after big boom earth chained in ice age. Numbers we will now when it happens, than, aha, of course.... can be 22-8 / 11-1 as date also, but quake and location also possible.
Turtle maybe also everybody in mobile home, living on the street.
Nash· 1 week ago
The sumo wrestler holding the batter might also refer to Japan?
As Sumo wrestling is a sport which originated from Japan and the colour of the battery is red and white (same as Japan's flag)
Plus, I think Narendra Modi's presence on the cover along with the elite (India's PM elected in May, 2014) also signifies something. I have noticed that ever since Modi became India's PM, both Putin and Obama have been trying to get into Modi's good book (as they both know the advantage of having a country like India on their side).
On one hand Obama has been having numerous meetings with Modi (also note the latter's lavish welcoming to the USA and his speech in NYC) and on the other Putin and Modi want to deepen their ties and stay each other's top defence partner.
Reply4 replies · active 1 day ago
doc H· 1 week ago
i agree with you, maybe the battery refer to fukushima and nuclear energy ....
Suz· 1 week ago
Japan has had some progress with (hydrogen) fuel cell development this year
taz2244· 1 week ago
maybe its Japan changing sides away from the US and joining China Russia. The battery represents a change in polarity for them. I believe 2015 will be the year that most of the world will turn their backs on the US away from the dollar.
Nash· 6 days ago
But weren't they already allies? (China, Japan and Russia)
North Korea too, if not mistaken.
DJA· 1 week ago
I thought the ghost with the holiday magazine meant a possible assassination of the president too. That was the first thing that came to mind. But it could also mean that, like Bush, Obama may spend the rest of his presidency absent and on vacation, meaning that he's "ghost."
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ToReachHisOwn· 1 week ago
Those clown fish behind the Pied Piper are also interesting. That species is in danger of becoming... endangered. Also, they can't not be associated with Finding Nemo anymore, a movie that's very known for its depiction of of beautiful, pristine oceans and underwater habitats, which are being ruined by the oil heads. Clown fish can also change gender, so there's that.
Reply1 reply · active 1 week ago
MoviesSuck· 1 week ago
Finding Nemo- most famous movie ever about clownfish.
The Omen- most famous movie about "the antichrist".
Nemo backwards omeN.
Zecheriah 11:17"Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be withered, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."
In Finding Nemo, his fin is withered.
When he gets captured in a fishtank & joins a fraternal order, (next to a skull with a black eyepatch) he leader/his father figure has a withered fin & scar on his right eye.
Truth & Light· 1 week ago
one way ticket off this planet please
Reply3 replies · active 1 week ago
turnkey· 1 week ago
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
Some already have that with the trips to the moon or whatever coming up. Lady Gaga is said to perform. Do you really want to be on that trip?
Truth & Light· 1 week ago
no way...planet with spiritually enlightened...higher vibrated ppl
don· 1 week ago
"Emerging from behind Obama’s leg is a ghost reading a magazine entitled “Holiday”. Why is this ghost, which represents a dead person, planning a vacation? Does it represent the fact that the masses will be so impoverished that the only time they’ll be on holiday is when they’re dead? Does it relate to the countless people who died while traveling in the past months?"
VC, it might represent all the crisis actors 'killed' in the False Flags being at liberty to go on holiday somewhere nice and sunny until all the fuss about the latest false flag dies down...then being at liberty to crisis act in the next false flag etc...?
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marymeansrebelwoman· 1 week ago
holiday= holy day. ghost = holy ghost (holy spirit).
dign4it· 1 week ago
Actually, the ghost is almost worthless without the knowledge of the two arrows. The 11.5 and 11.3 are signifying March 11th through May 11th. The word holiday comes from an old English word meaning Holy Day. What Holy Day falls between March and May? Passover. But it goes deeper. The Palm Tree on the island is in reference to Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Passover. The sun on the cover of this holiday brochure is actually a rocket, as seen from directly below as it takes off. If you look to the right of this sun you will see the tell-tale trail that is left when a rocket is launched, I've seen them many times, the trail of smoke is left behind long after the rocket is out of sight. At the top of this brochure you can see a mushroom cloud, and it appears to be going into Angela Merkel's leg.
In short, it goes like this: on Palm Sunday a (nuclear?) rocket will be launched at Germany (that's who Merkel represents). We'll see how accurate this interpretation is in just a couple of months. Palm Sunday falls on March 29th of 2015.
Vix· 1 week ago
*David Cameron
James Cameron directed titanic
ngzi· 1 week ago
No Half Life 3 :(
resurrected· 1 week ago
Couldn't the world on the game called Panic that you said is china also be the world C.H.I.P?
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Sissi· 1 week ago
Good point...
George· 1 week ago
Stop calling them the "elite". They're just scum, low lives that falsely believe to be special. I don't respect them, I don't like them, I think of them as inferior people with lots of money and power but inferior nevertheless. The true Elite are honest people who work to improve other people's lives. This so called "elite" are just little self-important bugs.
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turnkey· 1 week ago
i pity them.
fight4rights· 1 week ago
This is not related to the article but please read about the lawsuit on Prince Andrew...he is accused of being a part of a sex slave ring by a woman who says she was used by him and other powerful men along side other young girls. I read he was introduced to a man named Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy financier for the elite. More things are getting exposed.
Mike· 1 week ago
I'm Nigerian.... The 11.5 and 11.3 coordinates point to a town called Daura, the birthplace of Muhammadu Buhari, the Opposition Candidate in Nigeria's Presidential Elections scheduled for Feb. 14, 2015. The man is running in his fourth straight Presidential election, after losing the previous three. After he lost in 2011, there were violence and killings in some parts of his strongholds. Could the pile of dirt and two arrows mean there will also be violence this time out? Or could they mean he will finally win?
Reply4 replies · active 1 week ago
T.A.O· 1 week ago
it also points to Yobe which is currently under attack by the Boko Haram Sect. May God save us all.
Mercy· 1 week ago
I'm Nigerian too. That's interesting discovery on Buhari, I was hopin someone would notice. Good to know you read vigilant citizen
Ubong· 1 week ago
Mercy, lots of Nigerians do read Vigilant Citizen. I have introduced lots of my students in the Nigerian university I am teaching to VC. Nigeria will definitely be in the news in 2015. President Jonathan is even on the cover of the Economist we are commenting about too but the information about Buhari who has a cult-like following by Mike-1 day ago bothers me. Buhari and Jonathan who are contesting against each other in a presidential election this year are persons that can easily set Nigeria ablaze!
Rlsm· 1 week ago
I was wondering why the globe in the ground would be showing asia and africa. Maybe these 2 continents will be getting on the scenario more frequently this year.
Snsanty· 1 week ago
Does this cover remind anyone of the creepy paintings at Denver Intl Airport? As for the 11:3 and 11:5, maybe they are Biblical references from verses?
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Tammy· 1 week ago
And isn't this the greatest irony... the elitists have swallowed a bigger lie than what they are trying to deceive mankind with? They believe the little god of this world's mystical religious illusion, that they will rule with him, when in fact, they will be the one's inheriting the fiery wind, with the screams of aguish they have inflicted upon mankind echoing in their own ears for eternity, alongside their "god".
The meek shall inherit the earth, that is the Truth, forever.
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selibeth· 1 week ago
And may they enjoy their high places in the pits of hell for what they are up to. Where are my rose-colored glasses!!!! I miss them :/
Fortuna· 1 week ago
Why are Winston Churchill and Napoleon Bonaparte on a cover of a magazine says THE WORLD IN 2015?
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luis· 1 week ago
vc your work is appreciated and part of the overall plan of assimilation. no change can occur on this level of existance. once our vibration gets to a certain point we leave this plane. its why they want to live forever through transhumanism because they now there next incarnation here will be very bad...peace man!
Kwame· 1 week ago
maybe no one has noticed yet...but if the coordinates do indeed point to a place in Nigeria, then something is definitely up....this is because the man behind Angela Merkel..in the black hat...one of the black and white faces, is Goodluck Jonathan...the president of Nigeria...anyone can crosscheck just to be sure...
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BFD· 1 week ago
Yes Kwame. He is indeed the president of Nigeria.
Kwame· 1 week ago
thanks, BFD :-)
McGruber· 1 week ago
Just noticed the guitar is british and the drumset American....a combination.
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Molly Sue· 1 week ago
Its a sign that the new world order is near.The end is near.We all screwed anyway!😕
Reply4 replies · active 6 days ago
Death2Elite· 1 week ago
Not if you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ
Lars· 1 week ago
What utter crap. We are powerful beyond measure and there are signs that the tipping point of enough people waking up has now been reached. Go back to your self-defeatist slavery.
Mick McNulty. UK.· 1 week ago
That's how they want you to feel, defeated. Not even the elite can dictate the course of chaos. That would be like knocking down a house of cards and dictating which cards fall face down and which face up. ALL of them. That said it is not even guaranteed that the elite will dictate when the collapse begins. They may have the political and economic power to cause a crash, but they are not so powerful that they can stop it happening before they are ready and thus unprepared for it. And it isn't over until the fighting is done - they've actually got to win that last fight and that isn't guaranteed for them either. So shake yourself awake. Get a grip!
Meggles· 1 week ago
The New World Order is mentioned several times in Revelation, God wanted us to know and see the signs. He also wanted us to put our trust in Jesus, so that in the end we will be saved when judgement comes. We don't all have to be screwed, if we know the King of Kings.
choose2know· 1 week ago
Thank you for this article and it seems that the powers that be are having a bit of fun with us. I've enjoyed reading the comments too. I thought perhaps the "ghost" might refer to the CIA and their deep involvement in covert operations the world over while being controlled by will of the elite. The turtle at the bottom of the photo could have several meanings. The turtle in mythology is often seen as "holding up the world", but in alchemy the turtle represents chaos..."order out of chaos" perhaps. Also, as per Aesop's fable the turtle represents tenacity in winning the race and the elite have been patient for hundreds of years in the working of their plan. The turtle can also represent wisdom and divination or even a messianic personality...anti-christ? Putin's dark glasses would seem to hide his eyes or his intentions. That he and Obama are both sporting red ties makes me wonder if they're not on the same side. Alice in Wonderland is symbolic of going through the looking glass or mind control and certainly they do control much of the world through the media and entertainment. This makes the Cheshire cat grin as he views the success. I wonder if the Pied Piper is representative of the ones who make the music while the political puppets dance to their tune. Illuminati symbolism is rampant throughout this entire picture and it's as if a clear message is being sent to those who are aware that in their camp all is going quite well...not so well for the rest of us for the time being. I decided some time ago that ultimately this is a spiritual matter and their power will not prevail!
anon· 1 week ago
A couple more random thoughts:
Alice (of Alice in Wonderland) is looking directly at Spider-Man's crotch! If you were going to use Spidey in a graphic (and why would you? The recent installment bombed, though an unwanted sequel was recently announced) wouldn't you want to see his face as he flew at the reader in one of his traditional poses? As it is, he seems like he is fleeing, turning his back, getting out of Dodge. Never miss up a chance for perversion and corruption, so put Alice at crotch level. And no, I'm not a pedophile - my response would be that of any observant art director sharing notes as a group preparing to show the boss! The layout and design in this is so seemingly poorly done it speaks volumes.
That's a drone, delivering products from Amazon. Yippee. All mod cons.
I also thought the ghost over Obama's shoulder means assassination attempt. There has been so much effort to foment racial division here in the US during Obama's presidency - so much provocation. An attempt on his life would ramp it up further - one last permanent kick to the black Masonic janitor on his way out the door.
I think magician David Blaine's inclusion denotes continuing strategic slight of hand. Here in the US, David Blaine is essentially a has been who performs the odd stunt; I doubt his career itself warrants an inclusion.
The button barely hidden in between Ms. Merkel's hand makes her hand pyramid shape into an all-seeing eye.
I am most intrigued by the beautiful woman (a fashion model in a fur coat it seems) with the winged bird's nest hat resting over her third eye (traditionally a symbol of expanded consciousness, a winged ovum or circle). One of the eggs is tipping, about to fall as it is in a dangerous, precarious spot. I actually interpret this to mean the seat of psychological and spiritual autonomy (the pineal gland) is in a precarious position (due to wi-fi waves, toxins, pharma). Hmmm...Time to research pineal detoxing, everybody!
The design is so bad it has to be deliberate. It might be interesting, as noted above, who is the designer responsible?
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mauwaaa· 1 week ago
Agreed. I am a graphic designer myself. For a magazine of this magnitude, the designer WOULD have finessed the cover more-they owe it to themselves and their profession. It is more than evident that the designer was told exactly what needed to be on the cover and exactly what images to use to make this deliberately symbolic. This is an example of "forced" design, the designer had no choice!
cvlight· 1 week ago
The artist is Matt Herring, and looking at his portfolio, this is standard for his style. Obviously he would have been told what to include, it is a magazine cover after all
FutureLight· 1 week ago
I am a regular reader of The Economist and they never hide anything , it all straight forward ,
1) The march 22md 2014 cover of this magazine was with the title 'The New World Order' featuring Putin on a war tanker.
2) Jan 9th, 1988 The Economist cover featured and eagle withe the title 'Get Ready for a world Currency'
3) Many covers with Asian the topics such as ' the Rising East' how ''India got Its Funk '' have been done.
The Spider Man spins a web and this could represent the world wide web or information technology in general and the spider man is cling to Narendra Mode and his legs are on the Chinese premier. It could mean that many IT jobs will be shifted to India. The military jeep behind Modi's leg is being driven by a woman in scarf and the number plate has A4 on it and there is place in New Delhi with pincode A4.
Modi was given a a rock star welcome at the Madison Square Garden at NY and then Australia, with many US diplomats breaking the protocol by greeting and hugging him.
Modi came from humble origins, he was a tea boy who joined RSS and later got lucky in politics. He was just average in academics compared to previous Premier Manmohan Singh who was a luminary in economics from London school of Economics. Modi got married in his twenties but left his wife within 3 months of marriage in order to focus on his political career, he didn't legaly divorce her.
--> I am surprised why there is no member from the British Royal family in this picture?
--> Who is that lady behind pied piper?
Mcdonald burger company is running in loss for the third consecutive year in US hence they are opening more restaurants in China, where every 1 km there is a Mcdonalds. People in US feel the burgers are not healthy hence this has led to a decline in profits so McDonalds is looking to establish itself in China and India to overcome that loss. That chinese child eating that processed noodles looks more like that situation.
That thing on the floor with the mogo of Castrol is Spaceship One.
Reply4 replies · active 1 week ago
Timekeeper· 1 week ago
the woman in the Landrover is Queen Elizabeth 2, she drivers it around on one of her farms.
cvlight· 1 week ago
the woman behind the pied piper is Mary Barra
Nah· 1 week ago
The woman driving the "A4" jeep is Queen Elizabeth
skxj· 1 week ago
That "thing" on the floor is Bloodhound SSC. It is in design to break the current land speed record by coincidentally 33%. It's planned land speed record attempt is 1050 mph.
PollyPacket· 1 week ago
The pied piper is pretty disturbing. Also below his foot I noticed what looks like a drum set with a electric guitar that looks like it says 50's. This made me think of a British rock song that came out during that time called "Rock Mr Piper." In the song his music rocked all the kids until they all turned into cats from coast to coast, they were really the most. Then they all followed the piper saying go, show us the way.
Reply12 replies · active 2 days ago
McGruber· 1 week ago
It definitely says "50th" and has to represent what was done in music since 1965, see my other comment. But you're right, its right under the Pied Piper...the elite using music to steer the public to a certain agenda.
PollyPacket· 1 week ago
Yes, exactly what I was thinking.
Thy Unveiling· 1 week ago
Most, if not all, popular music is written with "witch language"
Also, beware of foreign music. I'm not saying its all evil, but you never know what you're singing if you don't know the language. I was shocked to discover the lyrics to Allouette were so mean, talking about plucking feathers from a gentle bird. They had us sing that in grade school! Sure, its not the most horrible thing, but if its easy for children to unwittingly sing about scalping gentle creatures to a catchy tune, its no different for adults. Even those random gibberish words in many songs...or backwards speaking. For all you know, it could be incantations of black magic.
Kinda makes me re-think much of Dr.Suess's work. Even if he wasn't a musician.
cvlight· 1 week ago
Could you please expand on witch language?
TeamJesus· 1 week ago
I have researched about it a little bit... Elton John supposedly wrote all of his songs in witch language. John Todd talked about it and you can see his videos on YouTube
cvlight· 1 week ago
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
I'm not the most knowledgeable about witch language, but a few months ago I read a few articles online saying how most music is written with it to cast spells upon the unsuspecting public. They'd either have witches write the songs, help with the songs or music, or they'd do weird rituals prior to recording or all of the above. Some were witches themselves. Stevie Nicks, for one. The chick from Jefferson Airplane is clearly holding a broom on an album cover (possibly to poke fun at a stereotype)
Some music you can just "feel" is wrong. I said long before seeing the Jefferson Airplane cover that girl was a witch, just from hearing her voice. Other stuff is harder to detect. Idk for sure, but I think all of today's popular music is Pied Piper spells. Why else do they play the same songs ad nauseum? Does anyone REALLY want to heat Taylor Swift Shake It Off 10 times in an hour? Teenagers do. On this Punch Much channel I saw kids voting to hear a song again... While it was playing! Dumb teenagers? Possibly. Hypnotized by witch music? Most likely.
I cannot explain it very well, but please feel free to look up witch language and music yourself. You may end up finding things that I did not.
(Yes, most of Elton John's songs are written with it. He is probably a High Priest or Druid or something. The latter is not fact, but its plausible)
EdNorgrove· 1 week ago
As it is a Union Jack guitar it is almost definitely representing the Who who are celebrating 50 years of the band this year.
TheTruthIsHere· 1 week ago
WHO....World Health Organization...perhaps a double-meaning of some sort?
watchtower· 1 week ago
Its actually the rock group "The Who" that is celebrating their 50th year anniversary. They are known to smash guitars into the drum set
Mick McNulty. UK.· 1 week ago
With what has been happening lately in the US, parents being told their kids at school may be taken away somewhere "safe", maybe they're planning to take the kids away altogether like some people are warning?
Thy Unveiling· 2 days ago
After Sandy Hook there was talk from Dalton McGuinty about doing this lock-in policy (around the same time there was conflict regarding teachers and a bill they were trying to pass) A few months later the talked (and conflict) died down. Mostly people were upset about "how is our country in so much debt, yet he has millions to spend on locking our kids in schools?"
Its possible they may still implement that. Ever since it was first mentioned, I've had visions of parents not being allowed to get their own kids until they bend and get/do something that They are trying to force upon the masses that people do not want.
Krink· 1 week ago
Scary shit.
hyu· 1 week ago
Relieved to see Tony Abbott isnt there...
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Ondy· 1 week ago
He couldn't compete with the budgie smugglers the panda is wearing...
NoWorldOrder.com· 1 week ago
What is the name of the artist who created the graphic, anyone know?
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David Chu· 1 week ago
Wow! VC does it again! Can't wait for your analysis of #JeNeSuisPasCharlie!!!
~JC~· 1 week ago
A few quick observations - I definitely feel like the ghost and the Cheshire cat both represent Obama's persona.
*A ghost going on vacation: Not him, not there, not in control, out of the picture. They could have used a puppet, but would people have picked up on that easier?
*The cat: A "face" for the elite to continue deceiving/delivering propaganda. duh
-Interesting: Obama and Putin both have red "ties"?
-Along with the crop duster possibly illustrating poisoning children with garbage, I believe the pied piper could also be playing to the child.
Lastly, what's the deal with Putin's right hand? It's weird looking. Could totally just be a somewhat closed hand, but I thought it was strange enough to take notice. The end of the piper's pipe is directly on top of it. It looks attached.
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-SK-· 1 week ago
Pied Piper is a reference to the leader of the ISIS caliphate. He lures the youth away to never be seen again.
turnkey· 1 week ago
Q u E s T ION:
Why would people of considerable means vote and promote to share the PUBLIC wealth among all... yet still live enviable lives in invisible or gated communties?
Matthew 7:15
Roger· 1 week ago
Surprised to see that Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the black & whites.
Reply5 replies · active 4 hours ago
David Chu· 1 week ago
She is a CIA stooge just like the Dalai Lama. Anyone popularized by the Western Presstitute Lamestream Media in a favorable light especially via Hollywood movies is a stooge for the West.
Nash· 1 week ago
Okay I didn't know about the Dalai Lama either ._.
Is it true about Mahatma Gandhi though?
freek· 4 hours ago
If Gandhi was bad then we are definitely screwed. Na he was great.
hoolio· 3 days ago
Partially tru...things are a bit more complicated than they appear, but in her case is totally true.
Alex· 1 week ago
Likewise Roger and very disappointed :( Looks like I need to 'wake up'!
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