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Omul care ar putea clatina Monsanto

Daca ceva ar merita cu adevarat sa fie citit si distribuit acesta sa fie. Continutul acestui articol are potentialul de a schimba radical lumea intr-o varietate de moduri pozitive.

Si, dupa cum celor de la Monsanto le-ar placea ca acest articol sa nu ajunga viral, tot ceea ce va cerem este sa distribuiti acest articol astfel incat sa poata ajunge la cat mai multi oameni posibil.

In anul 2006, unui om pe nume Paul Stamets i-a fost acordat un brevet. Desi Paul este cel mai apreciat micologist la nivel mondial, brevetul sau a primit din foarte putina atentie si expunere. De ce? Asa cum au declarat directorii din industria pesticidelor, acest brevet reprezinta “cea mai perturbatoare tehnologie din toate timpurile”. Atunci cand acesti directori spun ca este o tehnologie perturbatoare, acestia se refera la ea ca fiind perturbatoare pentru industria pesticidelor chimice.

Ce a descoperit Paul? Micologul a descoperit cum sa foloseasca mediul natural pentru a preveni distrugerea culturilor de catre insecte. Aceste pesticide sunt numite “SMART” si reprezinta o solutie sigura si aproape permanenta de control in cazul a peste 200.000 de specii de insecte – si totul datorita magiei ciupercilor.

Paul a reusit sa faca asta cu ajutorul ciupercilor entomopatogene (ciuperci care distrug insectele). Aceste ciuperci atrag insectele care apoi le mananca si se transforma in ciuperci din interior spre exterior.

Acest brevet are potentialul de a revolutiona modul in care cresc legume si fructe – asta in cazul in care va ajunge la nivel mondial.

Toleranta fata de utilizarea pesticidelor in agricultura moderna neaga intr-o foarte mare masura efectele negative impotriva mediului. O astfel de ignoranta nu mai poate fi tolerata. De exemplu, iti poti imagina o lume fara albine? Preparatele chimice Monsanto, care sunt pulverizate pe culturile din intreaga lume se afla intr-o foarte stransa legatura cu decesul albinelor. In timp ce un numar din ce in ce mai mare interzic utilizarea acestor preparate chimice, ele sunt in continuare folosite in tari care ar trebui sa fie constiente de pericolele cauzate.

In prezent, Monsanto genereaza profituri de peste 16 miliarde de dolari anual (suma raportata in 2014) si astfel ne putem da foate usor seama ca doresc ca nimic sa nu interfereze cu acest flux urias de venituri. Aceste venituri le ofera practic resurse nelimitate si abilitatea de a suprima informatii care pot dauna reputatiei lor.

Cu toate acestea, educandu-ne cu privire la pericolele reprezentate de aceast gigant american, de avantajele cresterii unor alimente durabile, ecologice, precum si bio-dinamice, acest demon corporatist poate primi in curand mesajul.

Paul Stamets

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Edward Stamets (born July 17, 1955) is an American mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal mushrooms.[1]

Early life[edit]

He later purchased a small waterfront farm on Kamilche Point in Skookum Inlet, Washington and pursued this idea. A few months after moving in, a court order required him to install
 septic systems within 2 years or vacate the land. One year after installing mycelium beds and before he had repaired his septic system, an analysis of his outflowing water showed a hundred-fold drop in coliform bacteria levels, despite the fact he had more than doubled his population of farm animals. He then found mushrooms that housed larvae. He put mushrooms in a salmon fish-tank and noticed that the fish learned to bump the mushrooms to dislodge the larvae and feed themselves. Stamets' mycofiltration experiments drew attention of researchers at Battelle Memorial Institute, where more-formal studies ensued with mushrooms such as oyster and wood conk.In the 1970s, Stamets worked in the woods of Washington's northern Cascade mountains in lumber and shingle mills. One August day[when?], a 4-foot-diameter tree succumbed to the stress of a skyline and broke apart; the debris nearly hit Stamets' crew as the large old-growth specimen knocked over other trees. The crew survived the incident by ducking behind a large Douglas fir tree. That day, Stamets decided to study botany at Evergreen State College.[2] Stamets became fascinated by mycelium. He rejected the idea at the time that mycelium grew on habitats, holding that it grew through the environment. Its ability to absorb tobacco smoke, ink and water astonished him.

Research and advocacy[edit]

Stamets is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (Begell House). He is an advisor to the Program for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He is active in researching mushrooms' medicinal properties,[3] and is involved in two NIH-funded clinical studies on cancer and HIV treatments using mushrooms as adjunct therapies. He earned 9 patents on the antiviralpesticidal, and remediative properties of mushroom mycelia. His work has been called pioneering and visionary.[4] A strong advocate of preserving biodiversity, Stamets supports research into the role of mushrooms for ecological restoration.
Stamets discovered four new species of mushrooms. He is an advocate of the permaculture system of growing, and considers fungiculture a valuable but underutilized aspect of permaculture. He is a leading researcher into the use of mushrooms in bioremediation, processes he terms mycoremediation and mycofiltration.


Stamets was the recipient of the "Bioneers Award" from The Collective Heritage Institute in 1998,[5] as well as the "Founder of a New Northwest Award" from the Pacific Rim Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils in 1999. He was named one of Utne Reader's "50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World" in their November–December 2008 issue. In February 2010, Paul received the President's Award from the Society for Ecological Restoration: Northwest Chapter, in recognition of his contributions to Ecological Restoration. His work was featured in the documentary film The 11th Hour.[6] He also been featured in the eco-documentary films Dirt! The Movie[7] and 2012: Time for Change.[8]
In 2008, he delivered a TED talk: "Paul Stamets on 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World",[9] which has been well reviewed.
In October 2011, he delivered a TEDMED talk: "Is the world ready for a Medical Mushroom Mystery Tour?"[10]
On June 30, 2012, he received an honorary Doctorate of Science (D.Sc.) degree from the accredited National College of Natural MedicinePortland, Oregon.[11]
In January 2014, he received an award for "Contributions to Amateur Mycology" from the North American Mycological Association.[12]
On June 10, 2014, Paul was honored as an Invention Ambassador by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).[13]

Patents granted[edit]

US 8753656 on June 17, 2014: "Controlling zoonotic disease vectors from insects and arthropods using preconidial mycelium and extracts of preconidial mycelium from entomopathogenic fungi".
US 8765138 on July 1, 2014: "Antiviral and antibacterial activity from medicinal mushrooms".[14]

Personal life[edit]

Stamets runs Host Defense, a family-owned company that sells dietary supplements. Stamets has two children, Azureus and LaDena Stamets, and is married to C. "Dusty" Wu Yao. Paul Stamets is an accomplished martial artist, holding a black belt in Taekwondo (1979), and in Hwa Rang Do (1994).[citation needed]


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