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Laţimea Canalului Mânecii, variabilă

Preşedintele ales al Franţei, socialistul Francois Hollande, a lansat un atac la adresa premierului conservator britanic, David Cameron, afirmând că Marea Britanie tratează Europa ca un "restaurant cu autoservire".

Întrebat de cum intenţionează să trateze cu Cameron, având în vedere că premierul britanic l-a umilit în timpul unei vizite la Londra anul acesta, Hollande a declarat că se va întâlni cu el "rapid".

Dar noul lider francez, care se descrie ca un "inamic al finanţelor", a precizat că îşi va exprima clar antipatia faţă de cartierul financiar City din Londra. Hollande a criticat "obsesia" Marii Britanii de a proteja City de legislaţia Bruxelles-ului.

IMr Hollande made clear he resents Britain remaining outside the single currency because the Bank of England – unlike the European Central Bank – has been able to print money to keep the economy afloat.
He said: ‘In addition to relative indifference to the fate of the euro area, Britain is more protected because of speculation the central bank may intervene directly to finance the debt.’
‘Europe is not a cash box, let alone a cashpoint.’ Mr Hollande then went further by making clear that he would fight Britain over new EU taxes.
‘The British have been particularly shy about the issues of financial regulation, and attentive only to the interests of the City – hence their reluctance to see the introduction of a tax on financial transactions and tax harmonisation in Europe.’

The French president also made clear he is at odds with Mr Cameron over austerity. While the PM will insist in a speech later today that the UK sticks to the same economic course, Mr Hollande is demanding more borrowing to stimulate the economy.
‘Everyone admits that austerity alone cannot return balance to the public accounts,’ he said.
Mr Hollande offered just one olive branch, saying he would meet Mr Cameron for talks on defence and industrial co-operation.
‘I will meet David Cameron soon to discuss the benefits of further co-operation between our two countries on the industrial plan. We are committed to continued defence rapprochement.’

Un comentariu:

peromaneste spunea...

Of course he's right. Cameron is a Tory & works for businesses & bankers so puts them ahead & above the needs of the people & so bails out the banks for free, no strings attached while making everyone else pay for it. It's called capitalism, consumerism & a market led system. Instituted by Thatcher & adopted/endorsed by EVERY party since.........& here we are now! The bankers & financiers are running the show & it's all about control & making us all slaves to debt. Wake up for heaven's sake!
- rs , greece/uk,

How good of the Prime Minister for blaming the euro for the continuing demise of the British economy. It used to be Labour, then it was too many people on benefits, then it was the tax system that charged the rich too much tax, then it was those lazy public sector workers, who like the PM himself haven't had a a job in the real world, then it was the old for living too long and costing the state too much to support them and last week it was ordinary people for borrowing too much, despite the fact 4 years ago it was hard to pay into a bank account without being offered a loan. The sacred cow for the PM is the bankers, he doesn't criticise them, or the auditors who did not question the risks they were taking when signing off their accounts. He didn't criticise or sack Mervyn King for his lack of having a backbone and showing his concern at the time rather than in retrospect. So let's blame the Germans and French, but as we do it prop up the euro, was a duplicitous PM we have.
- Vicar of Dibley, Avebury St Martin


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