Hala cu speculanti de la UBS
Cu 1.400 de locuri, 2.000 calculatoare şi 5.000 de monitoare, hala de tranzacţionare la UBS este notata de către Guinness Book of World Records ca cea mai mare în lume. Hala gazduieste speculanti si brokeri de toate felurile, IT si suport, pe toate domeniile de specula financiara care includ venituri fixe, mărfuri, valute, pietele monetare, instrumente derivate, actiuni, de comerţ internaţional, comercializare algoritmica, acces direct la piaţă, program de de tranzacţionare etc. UBS Gestionează mai mult de 1,689,000 tranzactii pe zi. Firma se ocupă de tranzactii aproape în fiecare clasă de active şi activeaza în aproape fiecare regiune geografica. Galeria foto de mai jos vă va lua prin hala de tranzacţionare mamut.
dati click aici sa vedeti pozele marite, una cate una
UBS Trading Floor
With 1,400 seats, 2,000 computers and 5,000 monitors, the UBS trading floor is noted by the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest single trading floor in the world. The floor is home to traders, sales traders, quants, technology support, executives and others among its various groups, which include fixed income, commodities, currencies, money markets, derivatives, equities, international trading, algorithmic trading, direct market access, program trading and more. UBS manages more than 1,689,000 transactions a day. The firm deals in almost every asset class and trades across almost every region. The photo gallery below will take you through the mammoth trading floor, offering both big-picture photos to illustrate the size of the floor as well as close-ups of some of the trading desks to offer more detail on the technology UBS uses. A special thank you to UBS for allowing us to feature their floor.
view the gallery starting with the first image.
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