“În România prețul gazului este ținut artificial scăzut fiindcă ar trebui să fie la paritatea celui din import. Dacă piața ar fi liberalizată, posibil prețul ar scădea. Până la sfârșitul anului, piața ar trebui să fie liberalizată pentru utilizatorii non-casnici, iar până în 2018 să se liberalizeze și pentru consumatorii casnici. În prezent, în depozitele din Europa există o cantitate mare de gaze fiindcă am avut o iarnă blândă. De aceea, în acest moment, prețul este scăzut”, arată Otilia Nuțu, expert în energie, Expert Forum.
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Transelectrica este obligata sa asigure dispecerizarea cu prioritate a energiei electrice produse de termocentrale. Practic, prin aceasta hotarare, producatorii de energie mai putin rentabili vor avea prioritate in fata altora mai profitabili.
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Grupul CEZ este prezent pe piaţa românească încă din anul 2005, odată cu preluarea companiei de distribuţie Electrica Oltenia SA. Afacerile Grupului CEZ în România sunt reprezentate de cele 8 companii – CEZ Distribuţie, CEZ România, CEZ Vânzare, CEZ Trade, Tomis Team, MW Invest, Ovidiu Development şi TMK Hydroenergy Power.
I'm a member of Greenpeace, the National Trust, The Woodland Trust, RSPB, British Mountaineering Council, WWF, Ramblers Association, The Snowdonia Society and smaller but no less important groups. I spend upwards of £250-300 a year in membership fees and donations and do volunteer work whenever I can. I mention all this not to brag, not to be self-righteous or show what a good little 'green' tree-hugger I am but to establish that the welfare of our natural environment, its denizens and the future of human society is very much close to my heart, and that what follows isn't some rant from an anti-green, oil abusing, city dweller or a short-sighted, selfish nimby-ist whose only concern is his own backyard. Until recently I was pro wind power, like everyone else I assumed that the 'green' lobby were playing from a straight deck, that scientific experts and our supposedly 'greenest' government ever were reporting to us the facts about wind power, but something didn't quite add up in the information I was being given, so I decided to do my own objective research and what I found out horrified me. Below are just some of the facts, as opposed to the energy companies/government spin and propaganda, that I discovered;
Financial: 1 billion pounds of public money is spent each year by the government subsidising wind power. Foreign firms currently reap £500 million a year in UK subsidies. £30,000+ paid a year to land owners for the siting of turbines on their land – which is why individuals and businesses, both domestic and foreign, are falling over themselves seeking contracts to build wind farms in this country. In fact the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF) expects the total consumer subsidy paid out by 2030 to amount to an incredible £130 billion! Millions of pounds of that public money is being spent as bribes to persuade people to have wind farms sited near their communities, but what the energy companies etc fail to mention is that the amount of money available is spread out over the lifetime (20–25yrs) of the wind farm and is determined by how much energy the turbines actually generate. To help cover the costs of these subsidies between 10 and 15% is added on to our energy bills thereby increasing fuel poverty amongst the poor and elderly. Energy from wind power is the most expensive of all forms of energy generation available and will continue to be so as the costs of the raw materials needed to construct the turbines increase globally. Turbines cost between £1 million and £4 million to manufacture.
Tourism: It's been shown that in areas with long established wind farms that there has been a significant drop in tourism revenue, revenue which accounts for billions of pounds for our economy and communities. Ask yourself, not just as a local tourist but as a foreign tourist, would you want to come to this country only to see hundreds of wind turbines dotted across our moors, hills and countryside? I wouldn't. In fact, I've already stopped visiting areas like that.
Environmental: Each wind farm needs; a concrete plinth for the turbine which varies in area depending on the size of the turbine, a service road to each turbine, a substation covering several acres, miles of overhead pylons to connect them to the National Grid. To transport and install the turbines, and especially in remote areas, roads need widening or building, hedgerows removed, trees cut down, tons of peat and soil removed for the plinths (carbon is released when the peat is removed). Hundreds of acres of valuable arable farmland stand to be lost at a time when food production is becoming a global concern. When the turbine reaches the end of its life it will be replaced by an even bigger turbine as is already happening on old wind farms in the South of England, and even if it's dismantled the concrete plinth will remain as it's not cost effective to the energy companies to remove it. The majority of the rare precious metals needed for the turbines come from China where an environmental catastrophe is taking place as a result; immense toxic lakes, polluted water tables and farm land, something which the government and so-called 'greens' keep quiet about.
Wind turbines: Due to the very nature of wind, the power generated from turbines is intermittent and unreliable. Contrary to the propaganda from energy companies and the proponents of wind power, it has been proven by independent sources with no political or environmental axe to grind, that turbines only generate at between 10–22% of their capacity, the average being around 15%. Turbines only work within a very narrow wind speed bracket, below 10 mph they stop, above 56mph they automatically switch off to prevent damage to the turbine. During the winter of 2010/11, at a time when energy was needed the most, the majority of wind farms in Scotland either didn't work, or if they did they only reached between 1%–10% capacity forcing the energy companies to buy in electricity generated by nuclear power from France. Even more absurd, as more wind farms are built it's becoming harder for the electricity companies to take on board what power the farms do generate and are having to pay them not to supply it!
Political: The wind energy industry has employed lobbying firms to fight Government plans to cutback the £1billion a year subsidy. In October a Conservative election pledge which would have allowed local referendums on the building of wind farms (and housing estates) was quietly abandoned after intense lobbying by RenewableUK and other interested stakeholders. It has also come to light that in many areas around the country, local councillors and land owners have been working behind the scenes with council planning officers to push through planning permission for wind farms for their own personal financial and political gain. Ironically, what's preventing an objective assessment of wind power are what I call the 'green fundamentalists', people who have become so obsessed with the alleged benefits of wind power that they fail to see, understand or just plain turn a blind eye to the true facts behind the wind power industry. In the 'green fundies' eyes, if you're against wind power you must be pro nuclear, a rich landowner or a selfish nymbist, and as a consequence they have been working behind the scenes with the wind industries public relations companies to write letters of support, canvass and organise protests for wind farms regardless of the fact that they don't live in the areas where applications have been submitted.
All the above is a lot to take on board. If you disagree with it then do what I did, find out the facts for yourself, don't listen to me or any of the government/energy company/green fundamentalist propaganda. It's hard work trying to find out what the actual facts and figures concerning wind power are, there are so many opposing stats and facts I wish you luck in getting to the truth! If we don't call a halt to the proliferation of wind farms now then over the coming years you can kiss goodbye to our beautiful and unique landscapes. All the stunning images we see now on flickr and other photography websites of our countryside will become a thing of the past. But, more importantly, this isn't just about the loss of natural beauty, it's about the financial and environmental costs to our society and country. At the end of the day only the wind is free, our exploitation of it isn't.
Check out Glyn's stunning photography here;www.flickr.com/photos/photoglyn/
Here's a twist in the tale! It was two of Glyn's photography books depicting the beauty of Anglesey and North Wales that David Cameron bought as wedding gifts for Prince William and Kate. Anglesey is in the process of being blighted by wind farms...you couldn't make it up, could you!
ADDENDUM: I highly recommend people watch this amazing BBC Horizon programme starring Prof Brian Cox called Can we make a star on Earth? – everything you wanted to know about nuclear fusion and supplying the world's energy needs in the future,www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00hr6bk/Horizon