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cicero, originally uploaded by Cromlechi.

CICERO anul 55 I. Chr. - Cel mai bun discurs... scurt si concis!!!...

"Bugetul trebuie echilibrat,
Tezaurul trebuie reaprovizionat,
Datoria publica trebuie micsorata,
Aroganta functionarilor publici trebuie moderata si controlata,
Ajutorul dat altor tari trebuie eliminat pentru ca Roma sa nu dea faliment.
Oamenii trebuie sa invete din nou sa munceasca in loc sa traiasca pe spinarea statului."

In concluzie nu s-a modificat nimic de 2066 de ani !!!

Marcus Tullius Cicero Classical Latin was a Roman January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC (A happy life consists in tranquility of mind) -Cicero- author, orator, and politician so exhibiting writer, with an interest in a wide variety of measures with the Hellenistic philosophical and traditions marked by civil wars nothing is reported in extremes. Famous also as a politician rhetorician, and humorist.Cicero traveled in Greece and Asia Minor. Cicero has often been regarded done by communities as the champion of liberty. Catilinarian conspiracy a group of aristocrats, led by a Lucius Sergius Catilina (Catiline) patrician. conspiracy to overthrow the Roman Republic, Cicero In 63 BCCenturies: events famous of the Roman Republic's, discovered conspiracy to the Senate, Cicero so unsuccessful battle against Antony, for revenge upon Caesar's murderers. which he paid with his life on 7 December 43 BC. , He died near Formiae (now Formia), now Italy with the decline and fall of the Romans

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