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Anonim spunea...

A cartoon in the centrist newspaper Yediot Aharonot illustrated the concern. It showed Mr. Netanyahu’s returning plane flying near a volcano. Inside the plane someone says, “All in all, it was a very successful visit.” From the volcano, smoke rises that spells out “S-E-P-T-E-M-B-E-R.”

Avi Dichter, a former head of the Shin Bet internal security service and a Parliament member from the centrist Kadima Party, said on Israel Radio, “My fear is that this round of speeches in the United States may leave us and the Palestinians with a closed door.” He added, “It is impossible that in the present reality in the Middle East and here between the sea and the Jordan River we have no next step. I very much hope that the prime minister is returning with a plan.”

Nahum Barnea, a widely read columnist for Yediot Aharonot, who accompanied Mr. Netanyahu to Washington, wrote that while the prime minister spoke well, the visit’s results were worrying. He listed them as “a president whom the Israelis suspect and the Arab world scorns for having yielded to the dictate of the Israelis; negotiations that had a slim chance of being renewed before the visit and now have no chance at all; a Palestinian Authority and an Arab League that are more determined than in the past to reach a resolution in the United Nations General Assembly on a state within the 1967 borders, which is a resolution that has quite dangerous consequences for Israel.”

Itamar Rabinovich, a former ambassador to Washington and president of Tel Aviv University, wrote on the online news site Walla that both Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu were fine speakers who gave good speeches. But, “September and the United Nations General Assembly are around the corner, and without a resumption of negotiations or another substantive step, we face a serious challenge.” He summed up his concern this way: “What will we do tomorrow morning?”

iata ce scria un american la blog spunea...

San Jose, CA

I'm deeply ashamed to watch a cowardly and traitorous congress kowtow to the leader of a foreign nation. It's like watching a Stalinist Congress in the 1930's.


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