Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

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Romania este tzara care se dezintegreaza de 20 de ani, riscand ca acea "epoca de aur", pe care unii din noi am suferit-o, sa devina intr-adevar epoca de aur prin comparatie cu timpul nostru.

Am atras atentia aici asupra faptului ca Mugur Isarescu este inamicul public cel mai bine protejat de atentia comuna. Adaug acum pe cei care in numele modernizarii educatiei in Romania ne-au distrus si viitorul, de parca  prezentul nu le era suficient. Adica nu mai avem nici sperantza in momentul in care scoala inceteaza sa fie acel motor social ce da viitor tzarii si cetatenilor. Viitorul nostru, ca stat, tzara si oameni, nu poate fi in mangleala si lucrul manual/necalificat in Europa. Viitorul depinde de educatie.  Lasati experiemantele in metodologie educationala si privatizare, intoarceti-va la invatzamantul cu care am construit hidrocentrale!  Lasati schemele cu incurajarea si acomodarea diferentzelor, matematica si limba romana nu se schimba dupa orsice ministrel(sic!).

Cu sanatatea, din pacate, demolarea s-a terminat si ultimii medici isi fac bagajele.

Cei care au vizitat blogurile peromaneste au vazut o serie de clipuri youtube. Iata si intelesul: in cel cu Andrei Gheorghe, vedem ca Eminescu nu numai ca ne vorbea limba, ci ne vorbeste de probleme de azi.  Din clipurile cu Serghei Niculescu Mizil (aici si aici), mai ales potentatzii zilei ar trebui sa-si dea seama ca cei dinaintea lor, desi avand si mai multa putere la discretia lor, cand s-a terminat totul copiii le-au luat-o razna in lume, intorcandu-se in cele din urma tot in Romanica.  Elite romanesti, bune si nebune, aveti o responsabilitate, pe langa averile si traiul bun, mai ocupatzi-va si de viitorul tzarii, caci fara de el nici odraslele voastre n-au un viitor!  Sa nu credeti ca milioanele ce le-ati virat le vor asigura copiiilor semi-[...] un viitor in afara.  Dsoara Basescu n-ar avea ce cauta in acele lumi pe care i le deschid cartile de credit pentru celebritati in absentza taticului ce direct si indirect gireaza toate tranzactiile.  Sau crede cineva ca Honorius Prigoana ar putea obtine in lumea asta mai mult decat un job ca vanzator la supermarket.  Copiii astia nu-s cu nimic mai buni decat oamenii simpli din occident ce se scufunda in 10 ani dupa ce castiga la LOTO.

Iata acum si o observatie.  Nu pot sa urmaresc un discurs politic, emisiune cu debateri politice sau politician fara sa aud de rolul comunicarii si imaginii.  Manipulantii comunicarii, la fel ca cei cu alba-neagra, o dau pe fatza cu aerul firescului pentru ca nimeni nu s-a intrebat cate paini ia de pe masa retorica lor.  Fratzilor, mergeti si (re-)cititi despre simluacru si simulare!  O sa vedeti ca schemele astea se intampla in post-modernitate, adica atunci cand ti-ai construit tzara si te poti juca cu lumini si umbre.  Nu poate cineva sa sara direct in comunicare fara sa-si fi facut treaba mai intai.  Adica modernitatea, cu educatie, drumuri, sanatate, bunastare pentru toata lumea, cultura samd PRECEDE comunicarea si imaginea.  Altfel, e ca si cum ai pune motz la rahat!  Romane, cand vei auzi pe vreunul de acum incolo vorbind despre imagine si comunicare, atentie la portofel!

Iata comparativ 2 episoade recente din presa, respectiv romaneasca si americana, unde e vorba despre transportul feroviar.  In primul, e vorba de distrugerea transportului feroviar romanesc, cel care Eminescu spunea ca a fost inceput prin plata celui mai mare pretz pe kilometru liniar de cale ferata unei firme in care actionara era familia lui Carol I.  Statul percepe acciza la motorina pentru transportul feroviar.  Asta-i mai grav decat a-ti fura singur caciula, este echivalent cu a-ti da foc la casa.  In al doilea avem imaginea unui transport feroviar privatizat in care echipamentul din 1913 a cedat din cauza ploii si a dat peste cap transportul in cel mai dens nod in SUA.

Pierderile anuale înregistrate de pe urma căilor ferate de sute de milioane lei fac ca alţi până la 8.300 de salariaţi să îşi piardă locurile de muncă.
Astfel, potrivit reprezentanţilor Ministerului Transporturilor, instituţia vrea să disponibilizeze între 7.100 şi 8.300 de angajaţi de la societăţile feroviare, ceea ce împreună cu alte măsuri de reducere a cheltuielilor companiilor va duce la economii de 788 milioane de
lei în 2011 faţă de acest an.
Cei mai mulţi disponibilizaţi vor fi la CFR Marfă (între 3.400 şi 4.600 de persoane). Celelalte persoane afectate sunt angajate la CFR Călători (2.075) şi CFR SA (1.630).

Şi asta pe fondul unor pierderi de circa 600-700 milioane lei anual.
Mai puţine drepturi, mai puţini şomeri
Reprezentanţii ministerului susţin că numărul disponibilizărilor variază în funcţie de disponibilitatea sindicaliştilor de a renunţa la unele drepturi, cum ar fi bonurile de masă, prime de Paşte, Crăciun şi Ziua Feroviarului, prime de vacanţă şi autorizaţii şi permise. Unele dintre aceste drepturi ar urma să fie suspendate pentru anul 2011.

Măsurile de reducere a cheltuielilor la CFR Marfă vizează economii de 300 milioane de lei prin reorganizarea prin absorbţie în CFR Marfă a
filialelor SC Întreţinere Reparaţii Locomotive Utilaje şi SC Întreţinere şi Reparaţii Vagoane, compensarea datoriilor pe care le au CET-urile Arad, Govora, Bacău, Braşov, Iaşi către CFR Marfă cu datoriile pe care le are CFR Marfă către bugetul de stat şi transferul navelor ferry-boat în administraţia Ministerului Apărării Naţionale.

Fără acciză pentru motorină

Alte măsuri se referă la eliminarea accizei la motorina consumată în transportul feroviar, valorificarea activelor neperformante, care nu participă la realizarea de venituri, separarea activităţii de vânzare servicii de activitatea post-vânzare, reorganizarea
subunităţilor de vagoane, închiderea unor puncte de lucru ce îşi desfăşoară activitatea în spaţiile CFR SA sau altor terţi, conducând la economii din chirii şi
utilităţi şi reorganizarea structurii centrale a CFR

La CFR Călători economiile urmează a fi de 200 milioane de lei prin urgentarea programului de introducere în staţii CFR a automatelor de bilete, implementarea unui sistem informatic care să permită monitorizarea alimentărilor de combustibil a locomotivelor,
implementarea unui sistem de control al accesului în vagoane a călătorilor posesori de legitimaţie de călătorie şi desfiinţarea unor puncte de lucru.

Thousands of
commuters into New York City confronted another round of potentially heavy
delays on the Long Island Rail Road on Tuesday morning, a day after an
electrical short in a pair of cables sparked a fire in a control tower,
causing an almost total shutdown of train traffic for part of the day.
The railroad
canceled 33 westbound trains into the city from Long Island — about
one-fourth of its normal morning rush-hour traffic — and warned of
“significant schedule changes and delays” for the morning and evening rushes.
Rail service was
also temporarily suspended along the busy Northeast Corridor for the second
time in less than two weeks because of an Amtrak power problem. New Jersey
Transit officials said the problem was affecting Northeast Corridor, North
Jersey Coast Line and Midtown Direct trains.
Trains along the
Northeast Corridor were stopped between 7:45 and 8:45 a.m., said a
spokeswoman for New Jersey Transit. Although trains were now headed into Penn
Station, commuters were warned to expect delays of more than an hour. The
transit agency said they did not expect the problems to extend into the
afternoon rush.

All Amtrak train
traffic between Washington and New York was halted between 7:45 and 9 a.m. It
has since resumed. "We’re still slowly recovering," said Clifford
Cole, an Amtrak spokesman.
The same power
problem also snarled service on the public transit system serving the
Philadelphia area. Commuter rail service on the Southeastern Pennsylvania
Transportation Authority was restored after being suspended for about 60
minutes but with delays of about an hour.
The electrical
travel chaos on the Long Island Rail Road on Monday offered a frustrating
reminder of the fragility of a rail network still dependent on antiquated
Embedded along the
railroad tracks by Jamaica Station, and soaked by rain from the night before,
two or more cables shorted out around 11 a.m., the authorities said, sending
a pulse of electricity into a nearby train control tower and setting fire to
the century-old equipment inside.
It seems
improbable that a piece of ancient machinery, a contraption of levers and
pulleys designed in 1913, would be critical to the successful operation of
one of the nation’s largest commuter railroads.

But the
machinery, which remained on fire for about an hour, controls the 155 track
switches at a crucial choke point: Jamaica Station, which 10 of the
railroad’s 11 branches must travel through to get in and out of New York
For several hours,
nearly the entire railroad ground to a halt. By Monday evening, about 60
percent of service was restored, but about 120,000 commuters faced delays,
shuttle buses and altered routes on their journey home.
“They have us
waiting forever,” Racquel Humphrey, 22, who was leaning against a pole in
Pennsylvania Station with her 10-month-old baby, said after waiting four
hours for a train to Hempstead. “I’m frustrated.” Her train was later
Seventy-five percent
of service was expected to be restored for the Tuesday morning rush, but
officials could not say how long it would be until full service would be
restored. “We have significant damage to the tower switching system, and we
are expecting delays for Tuesday as well,” said Joe Calderone, a railroad
The fire was a
gloomy reminder to New Yorkers that the region’s mass transit network,
although it serves more passengers than any system in the nation, still
functions very much as it did decades ago. In 2005, a blaze in an underground
relay room destroyed ancient equipment, snarling two of the city’s largest
subway lines. A 2004 fire in a tunnel leading to Penn Station halted commuter
train service for hours.

“We are an older
infrastructure; we know that we need infrastructure renewal,” said Helena E.
Williams, the president of the Long Island Rail Road, at a news conference.
“Commuter rail is facing that throughout the United States.”

 Cine a fost tembelul care a destramat caile ferate romane?  Cumva tot ala cu navele, manelistul sef...

Lumea se va misca si din impasul asta.  Noi am face bine sa tinem cont de 2 lucruri:

1) Nu exista definitie unica a socialismului sau capitalismului si cu atat mai putin forme standard.  Asa ca social democratia sa guverneze Romania.  Asta inseamna ca nu statul decide cati chiloti de culoare verde se produc, dar asigura invatamantul, sanatatea, infrastructurile.
2) Avem nevoie de stat puternic.  Asta inseamna ca cei ce promoveaza regionalizare/autonomie samd pe motive de genul, 'numai asa obin regiunile bani europeni', sunt fie prosti, fie nepatrioti.  In alte cuvinte, n-au ce cauta in a ne reprezenta interesele.

Mult succes, noua tuturor si tineti cont, 2010 e numai inceputul!

Da click aici ca sa vezi totul! VREI SA-I INTALNESTI? cin s-aseamana s-aduna pe lista de discutii peromaneste

6 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Dinozaurul tare in dinti
Paul Everac

Nu sunt prea destept, dar nici atat de simplist ca sa-mi inchipui ca o revolutie sau alt fenomen de ruptura sociala angajeaza doua parti distincte si unitare. Dimpotriva, cred ca s-au pus pentru o clipa (sau etapa) de acord oameni cu pareri altminteri divergente, avand un numitor pentru o clipa comun. N-a fost, in decembrie, o singura tabara de complotisti, ci mai multe, reunite. N-au actionat impotriva unui partid unitar, ci impotriva unuia unde erau si divergente, linii tainuite, chiar subversiuni. N-au avut de-aface cu o singura Securitate, ci cu mai multe. Una a vrut atunci Bush, alta Papa, si alta Gorbaciov, dar, mi se pare, Bush l-a pacalit pe Gorbaciov. Alte socoteli, conjugate, si-au facut marile banci capitaliste, marea finanta internationala, exportatorii din diferite tari. Ion Iliescu a parut lider, dar el a fost “calauzit”, alteori indrumat, ori chiar impins, in directii nevrute de el, ci de alte gasti intr-un fel hotaratoare. In ianuarie ’90 s-a vazut ca sunt frictiuni la varf. In martie s-a vazut ca e o cursa perfida in care unii isi puteau rupe capul. In mai
s-a vazut ca se unelteste si dintr-o directie si dintr-alta, fiind, tot asa, mai multe partizi, polarizate. Banca Nationala si-a avut linia ei, destramatoare, nu totdeauna convergenta cu conducerea politica. Primul Ministru Roman parea altfel situat decat Presedintele. Toti erau insa marionete ale unor forte externe, oficioase sau oculte, oricum presante. Din acest motiv nu poti sa acuzi conducerile, dar nici sa le disculpi. Coacta voluntos, tamen voluntos, zice latinul, adica vointa constransa se cheama tot vointa. Nu-ti place, iti prezinti demisia. Daca iti da mana!...
Din aceste alteritati a iesit si gandul “confiscarii”. Cutare a confiscat Revolutia. Toti au vrut s-o confiste. Unii au vrut libertate totala impotriva autoritatii, altii au vrut invers, ca sa se poata lucra. Unii au vrut istoricitate, mers inapoi, restauratie. Altii un nou tip de socialism. Altii atac la bunuri, jacmanire, reasezare de exploatatori. De afara ne-au confiscat foarte repede, aveau piloni asezati aici, aveau canale, si canalii. Au devenit uzurari si bancheri ai Revolutiei. Presedintii au inceput sa scapete, ca simple unelte. Au facut “drepti!” la toate poruncile si incartadele. Ca pe vremea turcilor, sau a rusilor, chiar mai rau! Tara s-a condus in buna parte prin Banca Nationala, de manipulatori inhaitati cu arivisti clepto-seco-comunisti, dar si cu franctirori ai pegrei, mafioti de ultima speta. Toti au “confiscat-o”, daca a fost vreodata Revolutie si nu lichidare generala, la pomana. Vechii comitenti, de tip Iliescu,
s-au pomenit cu comitagii clientelari peste ei, incarduiti unii si cu catene externe. Cu printi ai banului nemuncit, speculat, cotizand la Curti straine si la partide divergente. Toti s-au pus pe “confiscat”, ajutand si pe altii din afara sa confiste. Dar si confiscarea generala din afara a avut alteritate, era de mai multe feluri, intr-un fel se concura. Si Stapanii s-au concurat, si slugile. Au “confiscat” pana n-au mai putut.
Nu poti arata intr-o directie cu degetul pe nimeni. A jucat alteritatea, pluralitatea de interese. Dar ma tem ca nici nu poti disculpa dintre marii politici pe nimeni. Au fost briganzi, sau macar au intretinut cotcari. Nu-i poti cruta cu gandul, nici pe aparatorii ordinei si legalitatii, politisti, procurori, judecatori, nici pe ziaristi repede imbogatiti, ghiftuiti. O melasa traind din hotii, tranzactionari de dreptate, santaje. Tarmocind in rahat. Banca Nationala, - un cui al lui Pepelea. Presedintiile – un oficiu de primit porunci. Partidele, arena de joc de glezne. Nimic nu-i unitar, de sine statator. Toti se atin la plesneala, la invarteala. Traim in Romania nasita de Brucan, Militaru, Mazilu, Roman, Isarescu, dar si Basescu, Iliescu, Nastase, Stolojan, impinsa de ei, in mod alternativ, la jigodism si lepra, confiscata de uriasa lor clientela. Singura lor nealteritate a fost lacomia (de bunuri sau de ranguri), unde s-au intalnit toti, manca-i-ar naiba!

peromaneste spunea...

Anonimule, Everac scrie mai mult ca perfectul; insa nu uita, el a fost unul care i-a suflat lui Iliescu in panze ca sef al TVRL!

Anonim spunea... Iliescu a fost mai aproape de social-democratia ce se propune mai sus

peromaneste spunea...

Doua observatii, anonimule.

1) Everac se da chiar si la Iliescu in piesa asta, chiar daca ne spune ca Iliescu n-a fost chiar de capul lui. Desi aceasta scuza o poate invoca oricare dintre presedintii post-decembristi.
2)Nota mea era pentru a-l incadra pe Everac, nu pe Iliescu.

Britain shamed by Heathrow’s terminal misery spunea...

By Philip Stephens

A passenger rests on the floor of terminal five at Heathrow Airport on December 20, 2010 in London, England.

To fly from Istanbul to London is to travel from the first to the third world. Ataturk international airport sparkles with steel and glass modernity – a monument to Turkey’s status as a rising power. Heathrow’s Terminal 3, scarred by broken travelators, exposed ceiling voids and filthy carpeting has become an emblem of national decline.

No one should have been surprised by the latest snow-induced standstill at one of the world’s busiest airports. Heathrow is not quite so dreadful as it was three or four years ago. It is still a disgrace – a two-fingered jeer at any notion that London’s future is as a global economic hub.

I caught an inkling last Friday of the chaos that was to ensue at the weekend. By early afternoon London had felt only a gentle powdering of snow. My British Airways flight from Tokyo had, for once, arrived on schedule. Miracle of miracles, instead of polluting the skies above the capital for 30 minutes or so while waiting for a landing slot, it touched down on first approach.

Too good to be true? Absolutely. There was a slight hitch, the pilot told us as we taxied. None of the stands at the so-called flagship Terminal 5 were available. Because the temperature had dropped below zero, departing aircraft had to be de-iced. We would have to wait for 15 or 20 minutes for a stand.

By the time 15 minutes had become three hours, the problem was obvious enough. The skies were clear, but the airport did not have sufficient de-icing equipment. If planes could not leave, the dozens of aircraft on the tarmac had to wait to arrive. With the terminal in plain view a couple of hundred yards away, one or two passengers mused about using the emergency slides. Mostly, resignation took the edge off anger. Regular victims of Heathrow know what to expect.

I used to think that the problem was simple enough. BAA, the operator at Heathrow, owned all the big airports in southern England. BAA’s owner, the Spanish Ferrovial, had borrowed heavily to buy the airport operator. It had big debts to service. Thus BAA shunned investment in basic infrastructure in favour of quick profits. The only real money spent on Heathrow went on expanding the terminals’ lucrative retail concessions. In all this, BAA was aided and abetted by the regulatory hopelessness of the Civil Aviation Authority.

The analysis was right as far as it went. And, in a way, you could hardly blame BAA for extracting monopoly rents. That is what companies do in such circumstances. But the operator was too greedy, and public clamour at the appalling state of Heathrow led the competition authorities to order BAA to sell its two other London airports. Gatwick, under new ownership, has already begun to show what can be done when an airport pays attention to the demands of its customers.

Britain shamed by Heathrow’s terminal misery spunea...

A modest level of competition, however, is clearly not enough. BAA has not abandoned its bad old ways – extracting as much money as possible from Heathrow to meet Ferrovial’s debt service payments. Yes, the airport’s terminals are gradually being refurbished; but to a standard, and at a speed, that would shame most big cities.

Even with diversified ownership, the present system of regulation at Heathrow needs to be overhauled. The CAA has been indifferent to standards of service and to the lack of investment in basic equipment.

BAA’s answer to such criticism is to complain that the airport is overloaded. Because it operates so close to capacity, the smallest disturbance ricochets through the system. The airport, it says, needs an additional runway.

Thankfully, the government has already said No. Because what BAA really wants is to entrench the hegemony of Heathrow over Gatwick and Stansted, and thus restore its licence to print money. An operator unwilling to invest at the present volume of traffic cannot be trusted with any expansion of capacity.

Heathrow, however, also exposes a deeper problem – a culture of private ownership, financial engineering and short-term financial reporting that militates against long-term investment in major infrastructure. Alongside this sits a failure to recognise that regulation has not fulfilled its proper task of balancing the profits of privately-owned utilities with the interests of consumers.

For the world’s rising states, international airports – and indeed their national airlines (Turkish Airlines beats BA hands down on the Istanbul route) – are a statement of modernity. They speak both to national pride and to integration in the global economy.

In Britain, the fixation on private ownership and quarterly earnings per share does not allow for such flights of fancy. This, incidentally, also explains why the country does not have anything resembling a half-decent railway system.

I am tempted to say that Heathrow should be nationalised – or at the very least handed over to Boris Johnson, the London mayor. No one could do a worse job than BAA. Whatever the specifics of ownership and regulation, however, it is time Britain recognised the public interest in the dismal condition of the nation’s privately-run infrastructure.


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