This guy is the director of the Romanian Cultural Institute, a public institution of Romania, charged with promoting the Romanian culture abroad. The director is appointed by the president of Romania, and this director has been appointed by the current president, Traian Basescu.
This guy wrote about Romanians: "Someone has always been pissing on us, throughout our history."
He also wrote about us, in a book published in 1996:
“A flawed nation. Wherever you look, you can see good to hang faces, gloomy eyes, strained jaws, ugly faces, vulgar mouths, rudimentary traits.”
“Romanians cannot be a nation, because they aren’t worth more than a herd. They follow the herd, to be marked with the hot iron.”
"Romanian is a language we should stop using, or we should be using it only to swear."
"The abyssal idleness of the fuggy Romanian soul …the Romanian spirochetes crawls its way to the tertiary syphilis, clumping merrily within an unconscious body, until the mind caves in: the hart turns into jelly and the the brain, into juice."
He also stated, on other occasions, that "with a purely Romanian education, you can do nothing" and "Romania has a second hand culture".
This is the guy that the Romanian president appointed as head of an agency charged with promoting the Romanian culture abroad.
I wonder how a guy writing this kind of things would be treated in other European countries.
He had been posing as a self-hating Romanian, but in recent years it was found out that, in fact, his father, Dionis Patapievici, was not Romanian (although, during the communist regime, he was a director in the National Bank of Romania and the representative of Romania to COMECON, so he was a member of the leadership of the most important economic organisation of the Eastern bloc).
Given these facts, H.-R. Patapievici can easily qualify as a racist and a Romanian hater (as he can no longer pose as a Romanian self-hater).
Moreover, H.-R. Patapievici had also been posing as an anticomunist and even a victim of the communist regime in Romania. He forgot to mention that his father was a high ranking, although little known, official of the communist regime in Romania and even abroad, in the COMECON leadership.
Numit de Traian Basescu in functia de director al Institutului Cultural Roman, fiu de demnitar comunist, crescut in cartierul Primaverii.
Din moment ce dintre toti oamenii de cultura romani, tocmai Patapievici a fost desemnat de presedinte ca sef la ICR, probabil ca presedintele ii impartaseste parerile despre romani si cultura romana.
Simpatia pare a fi reciproca: Patapievici a facut parte din "grupul de intelectuali" care au semnat apelul de sustinere a presedintelui impotriva "clasei politice".
Un apel rusinos, prin care o singura persoana este desemnata far calauzitor al democratiei, iar intreaga clasa politica este infierata.
S-a plimbat si cu avionul la Neptun pe banii Cotroceniului pentru "consultari", de parca numai la Neptun se puteau consulta in privinta Legii Lustratiei.
Patapievici face parte, deci din camarila prezidentiala.
peromaneste says:
Ziua buna! Apreciem contributiile dvs. la flickr pe teme romanesti. Daca ati posta fotografiile dvs. pe teme romanesti (si) la grupul nostru, peromaneste, v-am fi foarte recunoscatori!
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
peromaneste says:
...s-a inscris Patapievici in mai lunga traditie a pleznirii peste bot a indolentei culturale romane sau este si el o expresie a profitorului cultural autohton?
Nota Bene: Maiorescu, Ionescu, Cioran si Culianu pot fi ganditi ca apartinand mai sus numitei traditii. In acest caz, pe Patapievici il desparte de toti ceilalti OPERA.
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
cod_gabriel says:
Patapievici este mult mai mult (sau mult mai rau) decat un profitor cultural. "Pleznirea peste bot" nu vizeaza doar indolenta culturala si are in cazul sau radacini in mediul familial in care s-a format, oricat ar nega-o.
El nu poate fi banuit de bune intentii sau indignare sincera in legatura cu romanii, in conditiile in care a ascuns trecutul familiei sale, iar in prezent este unul dintre sicofantii lui Traian Basescu.
Nu-l poti banui de sinceritate si bune intentii pe un individ care semneaza in preajma alegerilor europarlamentare un editorial in care il desfiinteaza pe Adrian Severin, dar nu gaseste nimic de comentat despre EBA. Deh, portavocea soțietătii țivile, un "reper moral".
Nu stiu in ce sens il desparte opera de toti ceilalti. Ionescu sau Cioran sunt autori de mare prestigiu, Maiorescu e cunoscut mai mult la noi, iar Culianu, sincer nu stiu mare lucru despre el.
In afara Romaniei, Patapievici ... si mai cum?
De fapt, ceea ce il deosebeste cu adevarat pe Pata de ceilalti, cu exceptia lui Maiorescu, sunt functiile de demnitate publica pe care le-a ocupat, pastorind acum promovarea culturii turmei de omuleti patibulari, pe banii acestora.
Cat despre Maiorescu, nu stiu de ce l-ai inclus in acest grup. Nu stiu sa se fi ocupat cu "pleznirea peste bot" a indolentei culturale romane. Din contra, el a fost un adversar al copierii modelelor straine - forme fara fond - inclusiv in cultura.
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
cod_gabriel says:
Apropo de Pata si grupul de la Paltinis, care s-au erijat de mult in "societate civila" si "mari constiinte", desi in mod clar fac politica simuland neimplicarea, am sa postez urmatoarea imagine a unei pagini din "Epoca dezinformarii" de Henri-Pierre Cathala:
Recunoasteti personajele?
Desigur, Cathala se referea la intelectualii de stanga care actioneaza in Franta in folosul comunistilor, pozand in mari constiinte.
Dar dezinformarea nu are, de fapt, culoare politica, doar pune in slujba politicii (si nu numai ei) un set de instrumente de actiune, printre care se numara "marile constiinte".
Cu mici retusuri, metoda este folosita si la noi, "marile constiinte" putand fi la randul lor dezinformate, santajate, cumparate sau pur si simplu putand practica dezinformarea deliberata, uneori chiar gratuita.
Tot Cathala a mai scris, in aceeasi lucrare: "Dezinformarea exista, nu este nicidecum un produs al imaginatiei!"
Este un avertisment foarte serios, pentru ca una dintre armele dezinformatorului este aceea de a ridiculiza orice acuza la adresa sa ca tinand de paranoia sau teoria conspiratiei.
Vorba lui Baudelaire: "Cea mai frumoasă şiretenie a Diavolului constă în a ne convinge că el nu există."
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink )
peromaneste says:
Cred ca secretul consta in a decupla aceste curele de transmisie. Dandu-le atentie, le facem jocul!
Pana una alta, ne intalnim aici, pe bloguri, si generam experiente (chiar culturale) romanesti fara supervizare; asta-i cel mai important!
Posted 12 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
Horia Puscuta says: 12/vladimir-tismaneanu-cu-patos-despre-tagma- intelectualilor/
Posted 10 months ago. ( permalink )
cod_gabriel says:
Treaba tovarasului Tismineţki ce are de spus despre tagma intelectualilor. Dar ar fi bine ca acest fiu de ocupant sa se abtina macar de la tupeul fantastic de a ne da lectii despre notiunea de patrie, cum face in articolul respectiv.
Iata ce are de spus despre tagma intelectualilor cineva mult mai important decat Vladimir Tismineţki:
Este un citat din "Cunoasterea inutila" de Jean-François Revel.
Posted 8 months ago. ( permalink )
peromaneste says:
Mda, din pacate, n-ai cum s-o carmesti fara intelectuali. Raposatul Jean-François era cam cuc prin Frantza aceea, ailalti aveau de primit. In alte cuvinte, 'telectualu mai peste tot il doare'n spate de printzip, Saft(ea)a lui sa fie facuta.
Cand platem atat de mult pe carticelele astea la in-Humanitas, nu credeam ca au sa le bata'n galben hartia asa curand. Dom' Liiceanu a vazut repede ciclul re-inlocuirii produselor proaste din capitalism. Sa-i miroasa gura a bulgar-i verde!
Posted 8 months ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
mircion says:
You are an idiot. Why exactly is Patapievici not a "Romanian"? Because his father is not a "Romanian"? Because he is a Jew? Patapievici is a Romanian. He is a citizen of our country and this is all that counts. You are the true racist. And an idiot.
Posted 2 days ago. ( permalink )
cod_gabriel says:
There you go: the fascist nutcases!
I love it!
I wonder where they've been all this time.
This kind of people are the supporters of both Patapievici and (I bet) his political boss, Basescu.
Notice the richness of his discourse and his solid reasoning. He starts stating that I'm an idiot and concludes that I'm and idiot. In four lines, he manages to lie twice about what I wrote.
1) I didn't write that Patapievici was not Romanian. I wrote that his father was not Romanian which is rather relevant when you write bad things about Romanian ancestry. You may be a Romanian because you are a Romanian citizen or because you feel Romanian. But a self-hating Romanian with a non-Romanian father, forgetting to mention that detail? Nope, that doesn't work.
It is also relevant that your father was a communist official if you make a career of anticommunism. A detail he failed to mention for more than ten years of "anticommunist activity".
2) I didn't write that Dionis Patapievici was a jew and I doubt that he was. I think it's more likely that he was ruthenian, ukrainian or even pole.
All that matters is that fact that he's a Romanian citizen?
I beg to differ.
If that makes me a racist, so be it.
Citizenship is a legal status and nothing more.
Being a Romanian citizen is NOT all that matters when you write all those things about Romanians.
All the foreign guys who came along with the occupying Red Army in the nineteen fourties became Romanian citizens. Still, I won't take lessons or criticisms from those guys or their offspring.
Posted 2 days ago. ( permalink )
mircion says:
The origin of one's parents does not matter at all. What matters is socialisation, language and of course the citizenship. Hence, HRP is Romanian by all accounts, and Romania being a free, democratic, secular country (despite those like you) he has the right to voice his opinion about his country or any other issue in whatever way it pleases him. (Incidentally, his polemic has nationalist roots. It is the polemic of a disappointed nationalist. Why don't you cite some more useful texts by HRP, e.g. "De ce imi displace nationalismul nostru"?)
But maybe what you are suggesting is that UNLESS one's parents are both "genuine" Romanians, one is not supposed to write "bad things" about our past (which is shitty indeed - you hate HRP because he said the truth). So what is one supposed to write? Only "good things"? Or nothing at all? What if the father is to 80% Romanian? Or 60%? Please enlighten us with a scientific definition of being a "genuine" Romanian. I take it you will use phrenology... The last attempt to allow or forbid people to voice their opinion because of their parental lineage occured in Germany, in the 1930s, as far as I remember...
And how does your point settle the issue about the TRUTH of what HRP wrote? Cioran was "Romanian" (by your racist criterion) and he wrote devastating things about Romania. And rightly so. The truth can be stated by anybody, no matter his background. What Cioran wrote is not MORE true because HE wrote it (this is a point of logic).
Or do you also think that what HRP has written AGAINST Communism is also mistaken, because his father was a Communist? And you think that I am writing these lines because I had Communist ancestors? What if not? You really don't see the idiocy of your position?
One problem with you nationalists is that you glorify the "nation" in the most primitive and mythical terms, thereby providing just one more reason for why we, the others, the bright ones, are so ashamed to be Romanian, to be forced to share the same space and air and language with idiots like you. It's you who bring shame to Romania, through your racism, stupidity and primitive mythology. HRP has done many mistakes, but writing in a critical manner about our country and against those like you, is not one of them.
Posted 2 days ago. ( permalink )
peromaneste says:
mircion, gabriel is only making the reader aware of hrp's opportunism. so, cut the racial crap!
placing cioran and hrp on the same level is a rather simplistic move until the latter produces a body of work comparable to the former's.
as for the air/space/nationality we share, who gives a rat's ass? the generosity of human form is a given, just like, say, the percentage of oxygen molecules in atmosphere.
btw, did you open a flickr account only to thought-police this space? sharing photos distinguishes the photography fans from thought-commissars!
Posted 2 days ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
cod_gabriel says:
Mircioane, HRP has the right to write/say anything he wants and I have the right to have my opinion about him and about what he writes. Everybody knows he kept quiet about his family for about 10-15 years after the revolution and everybody knows why.
Only orange-brained fascists don't know it because they only let in the info they like.
I also happen to think that a guy who thinks the Romanians are no more than a flock cannot possibly promote Romanian culture abroad, because a flock has no culture. And he doesn't. His work at Romanian Cultural Institute is a fiasco and, from time to time, a scandal.
I'm saying that he is opportunistic. He's an intelligent guy, but has problems with his morals. He knew where Romania was heading even before the revolution (these guys were well informed, unlike most of us), so he chose the right direction.
Yes, what he wrote about Romanians was wrong and racist.
By the way, if you think I'm nationalist, look more carefully to more than one of my photographs. You'll find I'm far from that.
But there is criticism or dislike of Romanians, and there is racist delirium. HRP's writings about Romanians pertains to the latter.
Posted 32 hours ago. ( permalink )
mircion says:
You are quite wrong to suppose that HRP's work for the ICR is a desaster. I happen to live abroad and travel quite a lot myself, and I have witnessed several events by the ICR, and have taken non-Romanian friends to them, and despite my initial worries and pessimism they were all impressed and interested. The events were well organised, had interesting topics, with well-chosen speakers and artists etc. Yes, a man who thinks that the promotion of Romanian culture has been a desaster sofar might be just the right one to change this. And he did. He is indeed intelligent and the right man for the job. You really don't know what you are talking about, but you enjoy the rather typical Romanian tendency to present everything as worse than it is, as the result of some kind of conspiracy by foreign powers and their 'agents'. Rubbish.
"peromaneste": In what sense is Cioran's work that great and incomparable? And have you actually read "Schimbarea la fata"? It's judgement about Romania is a desaster.
I placed Cioran and HRP on the same level with respect to the TRUTH of their criticism about Romania. What Cioran says is not true because HE says it, and what HRP says is not false because he says it. If what Cioran says about Romania is true, then if HRP (or whoever else) says the same about Romania, then HRP is surely correct too. Truth is not a property of a speaker, but of what he says. Something is not more true, if it is said by a Romanian, and more false, if it is said by an evil foreign agent. You should do some elementary logic before opening your mouth again.
So what am I now? A thought-commissar? A Communist? A fascist? All of them? You should make up your mind, "contraromaneste".
This Flickr space is an open one, and this page does not contain just photos (is the first one a "photo"?), but strong political views. So everybody is entitled to voice their opinion. Learn to live with other opinions, even if it is painful to your little narcissistic "inimioara", if you ever want to disprove Cioran and HRP's polemics. Romania needs to move beyond "mititei" and the quasi-religious, but otherwise vacuous adoration of Mihail Eminovici (a "full" Romanian? - haha).
Posted 24 hours ago. ( permalink )
peromaneste says:
mircion, you ignore a part of my comment and jump on the other. alright, stating that many a thing sucks in romania doesn't require any authority, problem is:
1) you cannot build a body of work on just a critique of this kind, a master's thesis would suffice, at a college in caracal or mizil;
2) a person cannot say that so many things in his/her country suck witout mentioning that his/her own father was part of the reason;
3) hrp cannot be part of the post-1989 romanian elite while deploring the state of being, he should do something abut it. a resignation, however late, could help.
now, mincion, do i sense a friendship between you and hrp? how else can one justify icr's events abroad as successful? as you say, you are entitled to your opinion, but not to your own truth.
last but not least, thought-commissar, stop shitting round statements like "rather typical Romanian tendency," for they sound coana chirita, version 2010.
Posted 22 hours ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
H.-R. Patapievici promovând cultura română
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4 comentarii:
mircion says:
To your points:
1. Of course you can. The European tradition of mere criticism is long-standing. Cioran, the Frankfurt School, post-modernism. But in fact, HRP is not merely negative. He attacked Romania from a nationalist point of view ("De ce imi displace nationalismul NOSTRU" is an attempt to constructive criticism - this is HRP's greatest problem: he is much closer to you nationalists than you both want).
It would be great if one could receive in Caracal instructions in self-critical thinking. But one does not. The Romanian province is a desolate place, backward and nostalgic. Believe me, I was born there.
2. You have not shown any evidence that his father was "part of the problem". Merely being in the party or an official of it does not suffice to be "part of the problem". The PCR had some 4 million members in 1989. Yes, he should have clarified his history (if he knew it back then).
But this does not affect his analyses, and it should not affect our discussions of his analyses either.
3. Your sentence is incomplete and unclear. Why should he resign? Your request that he should resign because his father was in the PCR is truly baffling. If you were the proud "romanas" you present yourself as, you should see that HRP's merits with the ICR override any of your (silly) reasons for him to resign. We would not get a better man then him. In fact, his work for the ICR will be his lasting achievement, much more so than his books.
Since you have, by now, weakened your claims, and otherwise have been shown to use only feeble ad hominem points against HRP, I think it would be fair and fit for an honest man like you to take down the silly 'photo' at the top of the page.
It is hilarious that you think I am HRP's friend. I don't know the man. And I criticize him when it is necessary:
1) I'm not taking issue with critical thinkers, provided that they come out with more than a pamphlet. HRP can at most qualify as a critic-wanna-be. Checking the youtube archives, I found Patapievici, featured at a 1995 Serata. At the time of the show, he comes out as a hope for the Romanian thought in 11 segments of his conversation with Iosif Sava (z.l.), until this one:!v=nooQRzRFSFQ Here, he's just out of depth. Today, if he still held on these views, he'd also be without decency. All in all, just like in the case of Plesu
or Liiceanu, the lucrative bureaucrat has taken over, we are left only with a taste of what he could have become, a contender for a place like Slavoj Žižek's.
1.a) Who are "you nationalists" in your statement? Indeed, what about vegetarians?
1.b) "The Romanian province is a desolate place, backward and nostalgic. Believe me, I was born there," in this case, the world over is covered by such places, and your writing from some personal height of enlightenment does not make you enlightened. Try pathetic...
2) If you ask me for that evidence you are foreign of the post-WWII Romanian history. Being ignorant of the history of your country of origin could be forgiven, being malicious when assimilating the early Communist Party nomenclature to the cca. 4 million sheeple at the end of the Communist Party in Romania is a different story. After quickly addressing your 3rd point, I consider this conversation closed. There's no point in debating with an individual who
lacks even the prerequisites for such conversation.
3) You probably don't know the recent history of Romania, either. However, as a matter of principle, if HRP were in disagreement with Basescu he'd have said something or resigned. It may be news to you, but Basescu, HRP's patron, has increasingly shown anti-democratic
behavior, and absent any reaction, I assume that HRP is a fripturist, ready to re-sell readymade and packaged ideas as his own.
P.S. Just claiming that the other side in the conversation uses "Ad hominem speculations" does not make it so. BTW, if speculations are ad hominem, that's cleveteala, nu-i asa? May you have the last word!
Not so fast, peromaneste. You are trying to escape my challenge, instead of replying to it. I asked you
1. to provide evidence that HRP's father "was part of the problem"
2. AND also why, even if this was so, his SON should resign for this reason.
3. In addition, I asked for reasons why HRP should resign at all, given his successful work for ICR (for which I provided evidence, which you did not refute).
You have not given any cogent response to any of these points. (In addition, I explained that Cioran is as critical of Romania, if not even more critical than HRP. And I explained that the truth of a statement is not evaluated by citing personal facts about the person who makes the statement. This is the simple sense in which 'ad hominems' are paradigms of invalid arguments.)
You think that asking for such evidence proves my ignorance. Well, let's see. I have quite a few books on the topic in my library, and I could not find in any of them a single mention of Denis Patapievici or similar surnames. Some of the books consulted are: Jela's Lexiconul negru, Ioanid's Inchisoarea noastra cea de toate zilele, Cereseanu's Gulagul in constiinta romaneasca, Deletant's Ceausescu si Securitatea, Tismaneanu's Raport Final and others. They all have extensive indices with the names of those who were true Communist criminals, murderers, torturers and those high-ranking officials who ordered the crimes. Denis Patapievici is simply not among them. On the Internet some people claim he was director at (of?) the Directia Circulatie Monetara la Banca Nationala, but I don't see proof for this, and I also don't see any proof about his direct involvement in the Communist crimes. Provide the evidence, mister. And then, after you have provided the evidence, explain please why the father's career should make the son resign.
You are quite wrong about the PCR membership issue. In August 1944 PCR had around 1000 members (Raport Final, p. 56). In April 1945 PCR had 55253 members and the UTC 62925 members. And by October 1947 PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc) had 1.060.000 members (Deletant p. 31). Within some two years! So yes, the 4 million at the end of the Communist rule and the instant 1 million at its beginning are both relevant, since they show the incredible
opportunism of the Romanians once the new system was in place. Even members of the Iron Guard (were your fathers among them? Resign!) joined the PCR. Hence, mere party
membership is indeed NOT sufficient to be a criminal. I am not defending this opportunism, but there is still a long shot from being an opportunist to being part of the Securitate (DGSP in 1948), MAI or NKGB.
I do agree with your "the lucrative bureaucrat has taken over", but you need to distinguish between two simple things: somebody knowing how to make a career, and his career being beneficial for his country. Yes, HRP is a disappointment as an intellectual (and has not delivered the promise he was presented as in that interesting interview with Sava), but he is rather competent as a director of the ICR. (What is your alternative anyway? Vadim Tudor? Cornel Ungureanu? Gigi Becali?)
As to you, cod_gabriel, there is little to say. You sound like some frightened, wild, wounded animal, and your sentences sound more like inconclusive screams than arguments. If you are mentally at the stage at which you think that a mere cultural functionaire like HRP, who with
his relatively small budget is doing a lot of publicity for our culture abroad, is responsible for destroying our country, then you probably need things other than arguments. The Iron Guard? Vadim? The straightjacket? Also, I don't know what you mean by 'fascist government', but you obviously don't know either. As to Flickr, it is a public space, and you should consult their copyright policy.
That I am supposed to be a wanker because I live abroad, shows who is the true wanker.
How do you know, and what right do you have to assume you know, what I do or don't do for those left at home?
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