De mai mult timp, mai precis in ultimii 17 ani, asistam la un fel de "revansa" ardeleana. (Noi) Oltenii sunt(em) responsabili pentru Ceausescu si piepturile latite de auto-batutul cu caramida. Moldovenii sunt mai ... Cei din Regat sunt tranzienti (fara caracter, in alte cuvinte). Noroc cu ardelenii, caci ei ni i-au dat pe memorandisti, Coposu, Maniu, Funar, Cornea, Tokes, Boc samd. Si ca am ajuns la domnul Boc, iata ca vorbim de proliferarea interesata a "aripilor clujene" in partide--aceste supra-partide de partid in fata carora mai tot restul omului (politic sau altfel) nu poate decat sa sa incline cu respect si mucles!
Sa-mi spuna mie fetzele curate si ardelene cum facem cu cei pe care i-au desemnat sa-i reprezinte la Bucuresti. Au trimis ei pe hotii hotilor ca sa fie in ton cu locul sau locul i-a transformat din sfinti in romani?
Asta daca (mai) cred vreunii ca-i vreo deosebire asa mare intre un roman si altul, asa pur si simplu din geografie. Nu, oameni buni! Eu nu cred ca exista asa mare deosebire intre un roman si altul, doar ca unii ii cred pe altii mai fraieri. In fond, nenorocirea ne paste pe toti daca vom continua cu prostiile de genul ierarhiilor regionale. Nu merg pana acolo sa scriu ca asa ceva incurajeaza scenarii/solutii de tip Kosovo, ci doar ca mai ales falsele ierarhizari fac ca suma romanilor sa fie mai putin decat o natiune!
Da click aici ca sa vezi totul!
Un comentariu:
At the top of this vertical, in the far north on the border with Austria, was the economically most advanced republic Slovenia. In a certain sense Slovenia stood for the permanent "high" in what was then the common homeland. You then moved on down through Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Serbia in the centre to Montenegro and Macedonia in the far south, the chronic "low" of our former country. "The further south, the more deplorable" ("Sto juznije to tuznije") was the popular saying used to describe the ladder along which a specifically Yugoslavian brand of racism was always directed at those who were on the next rung down geographically and economically. Hence the Slovenians showed the contempt they felt for the country bumpkins, idlers or failures of the other republics most clearly towards the Croatians; the Croatians for their part passed it on to the Serbs; and the latter, in turn, took pleasure in making fun of the Macedonians or Montenegrins. The Bosnians, on the other hand, as the people who inhabited the centre of the Republic of Yugoslavia, were the object of mockery from all sides.
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